My cousin AA

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The name for the character AA is based on my cousins initials. My cousin AA is a little different than most people. He's okay for the most part but can sometimes be a bit of a dick. I love him to death and would, probably, push him out of the way of a train. On the flip side I would probably, not really, push him off a bridge. He has his good days and bad days like everyone. On a good day we won't really interact. A "Hello" or "Good morning" or just a brief "What's up" but that's all. Usually I'll just watch him play a game he likes, I'll play on my Switch, watch YouTube, sing a bit, draw and then go to sleep. Of course we'll eat breakfast lunch and dinner but I'm not sure that's a part of my daily schedule. He makes sure we eat, don't get into trouble and is just a good host. HOWEVER. He also has bad days. My routine is still the same and he still makes sure we eat but he also always has something to say and it usually isn't nice. He'll make some smart remark that he knows will make me mad. He has actually told me he thinks it's amusing to see me angry and annoyed. I'll be honest it probably is, but that's not the point. I can't do anything about it. I can't be a smart ass back, I am not supposed to yell at him, I can't hit him, and just backing down is something I'm not used to doing. Better said I don't like doing it. The only thing I can do is sit there and take it. It hurts. It really does. I am powerless against most anything people do to me. It's annoying but there's not much I can do. Matter of fact I'm not allowed to complain about it. I guess that's all I really have against my cousin. I've known him his whole life and I love him like a brother.

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