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Writing wedding vows is the easiest thing in the world to accomplish...said no one ever! What was I going to do? Maybe it would have been more helpful if I had been one of those little girls, you know the type I'm talking about the ones that have their whole weddings planned out down to the last detail, they'd even know what their soon-to-be husbands would wear too, as if that wasn't scary enough, and they were almost always under the age of 10. When I was that age I was playing rough house with the boys around the block, getting dirt under my nails and beating just about every one of my father's the late Captain Pruitt Herrera's fellow co-workers at hoeing firehose for which I always won, and why not after all I grew up to be one hell of a badass firefighter, now if only those skills could help me with this; but wait I'm getting ahead of myself...

I've always loved this time of night, when the station is still and silent no distress calls have come in, everyone in their bunks and sound asleep, you could almost hear a pin drop, it's on night's like these that I'd love to sneak away into the Vehicle Bay and just lay on the top of the engine treating the firehoses like a mattress and I'd nestle beneath my bed sheet and I'd reflect.


"SHIT!" I thought, I was screwed, only two and a half more weeks until Robert and I would renew our vows and I still had nothing, nada, zilch! He would wanna do a wedding now and just before Christmas and New Year's eve as if I didn't have enough on my mind as it was, what with, slowly letting my mother into my life, slowly coming around to the idea that I had a kid half-brother; oh brother there on that one for sure, and trying to get to know him without hating our father, plus this was going to be Christina's our daughters very first Christmas and New Year's Eve, plus Christina's first birthday was also right around the corner, not to mention that I was pregnant and with our second child too! What was I thinking letting Robert talk me into a wedding so quickly even if everyone did pitch in and the only thing left for me to do was to find my dream wedding dress and write my vows, all easier said than done, I thought, as I laid above the engine firetruck on top of the firehoses, staring up at the ceiling racking my brain trying to think of the most amazing groundbreaking earth shattering thing to say to Robert in these damn vows, and all I had so far was... ROBERT...

Yep that was all, FUCK I'm so screwed, I was so annoyed and deep in thought that I never even saw Robert climbing up the ladder to join me, "Psst! Hey you want some company?" He whispered with an expression that I'd come to recognize all too well, as he smiled devilishly at me I knew exactly what he was thinking, the exact same thing as me, I smiled back at him nodding my head in approval.

WE COULD HAVE SET THE STATION it's self on fire, we were butt naked, we only ever broke the rules when absolutely necessary, and tonight it was necessary, and we were both all too happy to break every last rule, one being no sex to be had in, on, or near firehouse equipment or vehicular property; YEP we damn straight ignored that one! Robert was like a wild man, as he drove his cock deep inside of me, I had to bite down hard onto my tongue, it was all I could do to stop myself from filling the station with the echoing screaming out of his name, being pregnant and in my first trimester had its rewards, I wasn't sure why but my sexual appetite was insatiable and at its highest peaks, I could get horny just by the tone of his voice, yep it was bad, but crazy good; he lifted my legs up and around his neck, taking full control as I gripped tighter and tighter onto the firehose beneath us, there was no stopping him, he was going to finish what he started, the pounding sound of our bodies thrashing against one another made it all the more hotter and daring, for fear of the sound reverberating back and throughout the station's otherwise silence.

Yeah we knew we were both playing with fire and could at any moment get caught, but we didn't care it felt too damn good. Harder and harder he thrusted inside me, I could tell he was about to scream out my name in ecstasy, so I covered his mouth with my hand, stopping anyone from hearing his enormous moans, he bit down onto one of my fingers and sucked it, our bodies moved in perfect rhythmic harmony it was beyond wild, until we both erupted in joint orgasms 40 minutes later. We both collapsed, Robert rolled over from off of me, as we both panted trying to catch our breath laying there together with our legs entwined, Robert chuckled, I sat up onto my elbow and stared at him amused, "What?" I asked, "Nothing, it's just I forgot about this part," he said still chuckling, "Yeah, what part is that?" I asked, playfully tracing a finger on his chest, "I almost forgot what you're like when you're pregnant," he replied rubbing my slightly barely their baby bump, "What? What do you mean by that?" I asked curiously, "I just mean your sexual endurance it's through the roof, its bananas I can barely keep up with you, day and night..." I cut him off leaning in and biting and sucking on his earlobe re-arousing him, as I finished his last statement, "And night and day, any time, any place, anywhere. And are you complaining Mr. Sullivan?" I asked while letting my hand explore and down toward his penis once again getting him hard and ready for round two; he moaned in enjoyment by the touch of my hand, "No not at all Mrs. Sullivan," he replied, when suddenly he stopped me and with a gleam in his eyes he stared at me smiling from ear-to-ear, "What's that look about?" I asked, "Tell me something how brave are you Mrs. Sullivan?" He asked with that devilish grin again, "Brave enough, why?" I asked slightly nervous, as he kissed me, "There's somewhere that I've always wanted to have sex with you, that is if you're game," he said, I raised my eyebrows curiously and nodded my head in agreement, "Let's go," he said practically yanking me up and down from off of the fire engine, this had to be good, I thought.

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