In the Blink of an Eye

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In the Blink Of an Eye

Remus stumbled as he walked into the library, books almost dropping he caught his foot in the doorway. He lunged for them, just managing to catch his books, muttering a curse as he rubbed his stubbed foot against the back of his leg. He looked up through the fringe of his hair as he scanned the library looking for James, Sirius, and Peter, wanting to finish his Potions homework as quickly as he could and get outside while it was still warm. The library was mostly empty save for a few lone figures bent over their books.

Remus huffed in annoyance at his friends insouciance to the steadily darkening skies above. He scanned the room one more time hoping he had missed them but this time his eyes caught on a particularly interesting lone, hunched over figure, scowling while poring over his books.

He was reading voraciously, head bent, one arm tucked near his chest. He appeared to be following along a line with his finger, studying something from an old tome. What Snape was studying so intensely, Remus had no idea as the only Potions books they had this year was Advanced Potions which wasn't nearly as thick nor as dusty as the one Snape was currently perusing. There was a loud noise behind him, a thump as a student dropped something and the faint sound of Ms Pince yelling at them. Remus ignored all of it as he peered closer at Severus, enthralled by the boys studious seclusion, and the way he didn't seem to give a damn that he was in fact bent over an old book all alone on a Sunday evening. Severus turned the page and he began reading before suddenly looking up, apparently feeling someone's eyes on him. Snape stared straight at Remus, the intensity of his gaze startling him.

Remus blinked.

Snape narrowed his eyes at Remus from across the room. Remus blinked again, sure that he had been staring at Severus for long enough that it was sure to be deemed inappropriate and slightly uncomfortable, but somehow not being able to bring himself to tear his gaze away. Snape narrowed his eyes and smirked at Remus. He closed his book with one hand and made sure to stand up. Remus gasped, eyes widening as he took him in. Snape leaned lightly on the table as he smirked openly again at Remus. Remus processed what was happening with wide eyes and an open mouth.

Snape's robe was completely open, fluttering lightly at his feet but other than that, the only other thing present on his lithe pale body was a pair of pale yellow striped boxers with a noticeable bulg-

No. I'm not doing that. I can't. What the fuck is happening?! Remus thought frantically, still gaping at Snape.

Snape narrowed his eyes somehow, seeming to know what Remus was thinking and started to walk towards him, robes bellowing out as he walked towards Lupin in nothing but a pair of pants. Lupin took all this in mouth agape and only when Snape was close enough for him to see the mirth shining in his eyes did Remus realize what was happening and took a big step back, clutching his books to his chest nails digging into his palm so hard he was sure they were going to leave marks.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Remus whispered startled, staunchly refusing to look down even while Severus' cock was tempting him willingly, almost begging for him to look. Snape kept walking towards Lupin with a nasty until he was standing right in front of Remus and Remus was leaning back hard onto the wall behind him.

"I didn't believe it when they told me!" Snape suddenly crowed, grin growing wilder

"Believe what? Have you lost your mind?" Lupin said alarmed, eyes leaving Severus' for what felt like the first time and darting around the now mysteriously empty library.

Snape pushed him back against the wall never breaking eye contact, smirking as Lupin dropped his books, choosing instead to splay his hands behind him to get some semblance of stability and maybe and make sure that he wasn't going crazy. He felt the cold stone behind him as he looked at Snape confused.

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