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A/N: Oneshot for @angelicamusic5.

Angst with more angst.


Everything had to be perfect.

Gakushuu narrowed his eyes when he saw the mass line leading up to the mountain where 3-E's restaurant was situated. He curled his hands tightly, feeling a swell of anxiety.

How the hell did they suddenly gain praising review from an online pampered food blogger?? None of it made any sense!

"Hey." Ren placed a hand on his shoulder, pulling him back from his raging. "I grabbed us lunch."

Gakushuu scowled, glancing over his shoulder to find Ren holding two food boxes full of different foods from the other stalls. "Hm." His scowl stayed, taking the box when his stomach grumbled. "We need to get back and push for the final sales."

Ren nodded, walking alongside him as they turned back to the main campus building. "Koyama and Araki have already run most of the numbers, we're still in the lead." He smirked. "In fact, most of the high schoolers have come down to see our event."

Gakushuu's scowl wavered briefly. "As expected."

Class A's High School counterparts were definitely nothing to sneeze at, their seniors were without a doubt what the Principal considered the cream of the crop, well-refined diamonds chiselled down to perfection. They always outperformed the lower years and the junior high school, setting an example to the lowerclassmen.

Until this year.

He started to smile, no other year had ever come this close to beating the high school at the festival. His smile grew when he imagined the looks on their and the Principal's face when the junior high Class A's outperformed them all.

Ren nudged him. "Careful, you're smiling so much the upperclassmen might get offended if you act like you've already won."

Gakushuu's smile became crooked while Ren looked amused. "Perish the thought, Ren," he remarked, causing the other boy to snort in amusement. "I would never be so ill-mannered."

Ren looked like he was trying not to laugh. "Of course, I don't even know why I'd even consider it."

Gakushuu forced his smile to fade into something reserved and pleasant in case Ren really did start laughing.


"I still don't get why they closed early?" Koyama commented as the festival ended and the crew from the corporate sponsor helped Class A with clean up.

Gakushuu hummed, signing a few forms to release the stage equipment back to the rental company while his companions chatted behind him. The hall was nearly empty, with a few of 3-A remaining to help clean the floors and empty the bins.

"I heard that they ran out of food," Araki replied, shrugging. "I mean...they did have a lot of people." He tensed up when Gakushuu raised an eyebrow at him. "But not more than us!"

Gakushuu rolled his eyes and walked over. "No, they won't have matched out numbers. Correct, Ren?"

Ren smiled. "Well, they put up a fight, but they'll be lucky if it lands them third place." His smile grew smugger. "The High School managed to make up some numbers when 3-E closed early, though, but..." He half-shrugged. "Their finance secretary may have let slip a few details she shouldn't have when we were...sharing some fondue."

Gakushuu sighed in annoyance while Araki and Koyama looked amused."

"Ugh, you're such a slut," Seo commented.

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