The beginning of their story

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It was a nice day out in London. There was not a cloud in sight. For one young lad, it was one of the best days of his mournful life. His horrid family, or whatever you might call it seeing as it's not much of a family for the boy in question. But back on track, this young man was very excited, for today he was allowed out by himself. So he decided to roam the streets of the wonderful city of London. As the young lad was roaming, enjoying the feeling of freedom for a once in a while he bumbed into someone by accident. "I am so very sorry sir, that was entirely my fault please forgive my mistake." young Harry said profusely apologizing to the young man he had bumped into. "It's quite all right, I'm fine so you can stop apologizing now, please it's quite shameful." Young Harry looked up to see a handsome young bloke who looked to be the around the same age as he. But this boy looked as though he was from a noble family, this made our young Harry Potter worry even more for his actions. "OH MY, I AM SO VERY SORRY FOR BUMPING INTO YOU SIR PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!". The young gentleman across from the fearful boy just laughed in return leaving the poor brunette looking up confused at the young nobleman. "It's perfectly fine, can you please calm down now. There's no need for the apologies, Im quite alright as you can see." The boy said giggling quite a bit throughout his sentence. "Right, umm, well my name is Harry, Harry Potter. And you might be?". The lad said holding out his hand trying to be as proper as he knew to be. "Draco, Draco Malfoy. It is a pleasure to meet you Mister Potter. If I might ask, what are you doing wandering around these busy streets of London on this fine day?". Draco asked the boy, confused as to why a young man like him was all alone. "Oh well, my family decided that I could go outside today and they let me go alone. They were to busy to join me." Harry explained calmly. "Oh my, well would you like to join me in my own tedious adventures today Mister Potter?" Draco asked holding his hand out for Harry to take. "I would love to, but are you sure it's okay? I don't mean to sound like a prat but, you seem like someone of wealth, and well, I look as though I am a homeless man." Draco looked the boy up and down, then smiled brightly at the face before him. "Then I guess we will just have to do something about that, right Mister Potter?" Draco grabs a hold of Harry's surprisingly small and soft hand, dragging the small boy into his favorite shop. "I shall pick out a splendid outfit for you!" Draco sat the boy down at a chair and ran around the store grabbing about four or five different outfits before pushing Harry into a changing room to try on the multiple outfits. Draco ended up having to join the other boy in the dressing room to help him get on one of the suits he had chosen. Once the boys were done shopping for clothes they went to a small coffee shop and had some cake along with some hot chocolate. It was now nearing the end of their wonderful day and the young men were sitting at the bus stop waiting for Harry's bus. "Will we ever see each other again?" Harry asks the handsome blonde next to him. "Maybe we will, maybe we won't but I know one thing. I hope we will or else what I'm about to do shall be a pointless effort." Draco says chuckling lightly before turning to his new found best friend. He pulls a gorgeous necklace out of his pocket and places it around Harry's pale neck. Harry picks up the object hanging from the silver necklace chain. It was a beautiful emerald and diamond ring with Draco's name engraved on the inner band. "What is this for Malfoy?" Harry asks curiously, looking up at Draco like a confused puppy. "It's to ensure that you will never forget me, and if or when we do meet again I promise I will make you my bride." Harry's pale face flushes a bright crimson. He takes a calming breath and looks at Draco with pure joy in his evergreen eyes, but it once again fades into mere confusion. "How could I be your bride? I'm a guy Draco, two blokes can't get married, right?" Draco takes Harry's cold hands in his and kisses them and then proceeded to kiss the soon to be love of his life. "That does not matter to me Harry. I just know that this has been the best day of my life so far and it's all thanks to you and your wonderful smile, beautiful personality and just overall spread of positivity you bring to a room." Just as he said that Harry's bus arrived. Harry kissed Draco once more to be fair and told his now fiance. "I love you Draco Lucius Malfoy, I can not wait for the day I get the great pleasure of being your bride." With that Harry walked on to his bus waving his love goodbye for the time being. As Draco sat there watching his bus drive away he whispered to himself "I love you as well Harry Potter, and I can not wait for the day I become your groom." With those final words, the blond lad walked back to his home to tell his family that he had found his love, his bride, his sweetheart.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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