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Bilie and Khalid Bitches.



The ghostly figure spoke

"Who a-are you Lost Boy"


Harry was frozen. He had turned into a statue. Fear was rushing through his veins and the hairs on the back of his neck was sticking up. He couldn't scream, move, or breathe. His fear was taking over his body. 'It can't be him, it's not possible' Harry thought

"WHO ARE YOU" The man screamed again. What was Harry supposed to do? He could run, hide, or he could answer him. "Please answer me" The guy whispered with....hope?

"I'm, I'm H-Harry" Harry stuttered. What? Did yu expect him not to stutter when he is probably talking to a god damn dead man.

"Hello Harry. I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik" Zayn said with a little shy smile. It was adorable and hot. Wait! Did he say Zayn Malik? 

"That can't be. You're dead! YOU'RE NOT REAL! OH MY GOD" Harry started to hyperventilate. This is a dream. Everything is a dream. Soon he will wake up on that dirty mattress in his bedroom to a abusive father. Ghosts aren't real.

"Harry please calm down. I am perfectly real, I will not harm you, and yes I am positive I am dead." Zayn said is a calm but upset tone. He was calm for the sake of Harry but upset that the first person here in a long time is scared.

Zayn walked closer to Harry's shaking body as Harry took a step back. They repeated this action until Harry fell on to the bed. "Don't hurt me please" Harry whimpered out to the dead man. He hand his hands on his face and he curled up in to himself.

"I will not hurt you. I can't hurt you. All the others who have been here have been untouchable. Literally, they got right through my body as if I am but air. I don't want to hurt you" Zayn said. It was true he was not able to touch someone. After all he is a ghost. 

Harry looked into Zayns beautiful brown orbs and calmed down. He was talking to a real life ghost. A dead legend. A man who went through horrible pain. A person who only wanted love. 

"You really are THE Zayn Malik" Harry breathed out with a little laugh. He of course was still shocked but what was going on felt sureal and pure. "I am and am I famous or something?" Zayn asked genuinely curious.

Harry looked at him as if he were the stupidest thing on planet earth. "Of course you are. Cheshire technically lives on the tale of Zayn Malik and his family. You are called The Man With The Bleeding Heart. Your story is legend now." Harry looked at zayn but Zayn only looked away.

"Everybody knows what happened to my family, Gi-the evil women, and myself? That is outrageous! Utter poppycocks! If people truely know then tell me why the hell no one has come to see me or my body?!" Zayn screamed. Harry looked at him with sympthy and heartache. 

"Z-zayn? What year do you think it is?" Harry asked slowly. He hated thaat this dead man didn't know what was going on outside these manor walls. Zayn looked at Harry and said "It is 1708. The year I have died. I just don't know why the house is breaking and the clocks won't move anymore" Oh my goodness! The poor man.

"Zayn It is not 1708 it is.....2020. You have been dead for 312 years. I'm so sorry." Harry's eyes welled up with tears. Poor Zayn. He didn't have one clue of the year or time. Zayn was now in shock and looked as though he would cry too.

The Ghost of Malik Manor (z.s). *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now