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When the food fight ended with some students, mainly Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie pie, Applejack and a couple other students get sent to detention, it was now your time to shine with Fluttershy. You found said girl at her locker and smiled, "Hi there Fluttershy!" You said, making the girl jump. Fluttershy looked at you and smiled, "Oh, hello (Y/n)." She said and held her books close. You tilted your head, "Hey, if you don't mind me asking. Why do you hangout with them?" You asked. Fluttershy seemed confused, "What do you mean?" She asked. You tapped your chin, "Well I mean, the girls. They seem too much for you." You stated. This information confused Fluttershy more, "I don't understand what you're talking about." She said. You sighed, "Fluttershy, what I mean is. They're too out there for you while your in here. I mean, have you noticed how they sometimes even forget your there?" You questioned. Fluttershy looked down, "Well I... I guess." She whispered. You then started to circle Fluttershy, "And I mean, they don't even listen to you when you speak." You stated. Fluttershy frowned, "That's also true." She said and held her books close. You stood before Fluttershy, "But from what I heard and was able to get from others, that you and them have been through some much trouble that none of you even tried to take care of each other after them. Just ignored all of you and never tried to help each other out." You said and crossed your arms. Fluttershy seemed to have gotten upset with this news, "W-Well... I-I..." She slightly started to tear up. You frowned, "Oh Fluttershy, don't be down. I know someone you can talk to and who'll gladly listen." You said. Fluttershy looked up from the ground and at you, "Really?" She questioned.

You nodded and snapped your fingers, and instantly Harmony appeared behind Fluttershy, scaring the poor girl. "Hi there! My names Harmony!" Harmony said and shook Fluttershys hand. Fluttershy looked at you, which you just gave a thumbs up and watched as Harmony dragged Fluttershy away so they could talk. You smirked then turned around and started to walk, but jumped back when you saw Twilight Sparkle, this worlds Twilight Sparkle coming towards you, "Hi (Y/n), have you seen Fluttershy?" She asked and looked about. Staring at her, you smiled, "I have, but she and Harmony were talking as they walked off and I'm not exactly sure where they went!" You said. Twilight sighed, "Well, thank you. Oh, and can you help me possibly find Rarity?" She asked. Inside you were laughing at the fact that the princess of friendship, even if it wasn't the real one, was still giving out this information with you. "Why of course, hey maybe she's with Pearl, though I'm not sure where she is either." You stated. Twilight nodded, "I'll take note of that." She said then waved as she walked away, but not before looking at you once more then going. You held your hands together and chuckled, "This already feels too easy." You whispered and started walking. Then you grabbed out your phone and immediately told Pearl to find Rarity and try to bring her to your side, which Pearl gave the okay. You smirked and put your phone away, "This plan is going perfectly, now we just have to make sure those girls will no longer be friends again." You said and walked to the photography room that Pearl told you where she and Rarity were. Looking at the door before you, you chuckled and opened the door.



Til next chapter~!🌸

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