chapter 1

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Deafening explosions rung in my ear. Blood-curdling screams echoed throughout the crowded streets. A thick, choking fog hung in the air, eliminating any use of sight. My eyes stung and I gasped for air. I couldn't see anything. Yet, all my other senses were intensified: my skin irritated by the chemicals in the air, my hearing lost in the chaotic commotion, the smell of burned skin and toxins filled my nose, and I tasted the metallic thick blood of my gums. The only thing that comforted me in this time was my mothers firm arm in which I clung onto ever so tightly. I couldn't let go. That was a priority. My head was bowed down as to my mothers instructions, so I could make out every corpse we crushed as we weakly attempted to make our way through the mass of people. Every lifeless face sent a shiver down my spine, so I tried my best to focus on Florence's feet. My older sister was on the other side of my mother, and I recognised she was struggling to shuffle forward just as much as myself. Then, a familiar shriek sounded. Florence. 

Her feet, they were gone. I lifted my head up to reveal my mother and the guard battling for my sister. I released an aghast scream as I came to the realisation that the guard had a much firmer grip on Florence than mother did, and that he was heavily armed. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I pleaded and sobbed for mercy. Suddenly, my mother turned to me, her wide, frightened eyes implying love. Before I could gather what was happening mother had thrusted herself into the guard and shoved Florence towards me. "Survive my darlings, I lov-" she gasped and as a gunshot released, let out an ear-piercing, agonising scream.

I screeched and wailed in the attempt to save her, yet Florence pushed me forwards- further away from mother. I fought Florences tight grip and howled in pain and distort. The journey was never ending. Salty tears had dried on my cheeks. It was just the two of us now; a thick, heavy silence was interrupted by an occasional whimper or sniffle. We made no eye contact, however Florences tight grip on my arm was enough to comfort me. When could we stop walking? It was almost pitch black and my entire body ached and begged for rest. We were long out of the city, and had reached a moor that seemed to stretch on forever. To my great relief my sister slowed down, hinting a break. Her grasp weakened as she went to sit down on the damp grass. I too collapsed on the ground and found myself laying on my back, my distressed eyes traced the stars above. I felt Florence lay next to me but I had no energy to turn around to look at her. Instead, I shut my eyes tightly and was engulfed into the dark, unknown world of sleep. 

My eyes squinted in reaction to the intense sunlight that covered us. I groaned and lifted my sore body up. My eyes became alert as I anxiously searched for Florence. I was relieved to see her a few steps away from me scribbling something down on a sheet of paper. Her red eyes revealed she had not slept. I rose from the hard ground and cautiously approached her. Her usually bright and welcoming eyes met mine for the first time since we started our journey. They were just as intense as mothers and the sight of them made me speechless. She attempted a weak smile which beyond comforted me, and the sight of it overwhelmed me with sorrow from yesterday and my knees buckled as I collapsed to the ground. I whimpered and whined as tears cascaded down my flustered cheeks. Florence wrapped her arms around me and I heard her gently sniffle. We held this position for a long time period that didn't seem long enough, until I unraveled myself from her grasp and I stared up at her. "What next?" I croaked, my voice sore and raw from so much crying. Her eyes became distracted with thought until she whispered:"I have no idea Jules."

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