Cult leader

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Max whined slightly, holding the gaping wound from his left shoulder to his right hip and trying to drag himself backwards. his cheek was gushing blood as was his torso. why hadn't David listened to him? Daniel smirked, head tilted and walked closer to Max.

"whats wrong little Maxy?" Daniel smirked.

"fuck off freak!" Max hissed. Daniel got closer and Max used his good arm to block his face. he didn't want the cult mans knife in his face again. suddenly something was behind him. he looked up, hoping with all his being it wasn't one of his 'friends'. he was relieved it was David, staring down at him worriedly. Daniel quickly backed off.

"Max? what happened to you?" David ask. he quickly scooped up his adopted son.

"that fucking freak tried to kill me!" Max shouted. "it's Daniel! I told you he was a fucking cult leader!" Max cried, wincing. David frowned at him.

"Max don't be like that Daniel was just looking you over. I bet it was Nurf again, wasn't it?" David ask. he headed for the counselor cabin.

"no! it was Daniel! he has a fucking dagger! don't turn your back on him!" Max shouted.

"mmhmm. I'm sure. you don't have to be afraid of Nurf." David said getting into the cabin. he laid Max down gently.

"I'm not scared of that fucking moron! you're supposed to be my dad! why don't you believe me!? its Daniel!" Max shouted. David quietly shushed him.

"I know Max. I know it's Daniel." David said. Max stopped his rant and looked up clearly surprised at Davids words.

"b-but..." Max started. David pushed him back on the bed gently and started patching him up.

"I know he had a knife. I didn't think it would get us very far if Daniel knew I was him." David said. "your safety was more important." David added. Max winced slightly as David patched him up. "just lay down and rest a bit okay? I'll call Sal and see how long it'll take to get him up here." David said.

"wh-what about the others? he's going to kill them." Max winced. David winked at him.

"he seems very keen on getting all the campers to agree to him, before he does whatever he's doing. that means, as long as you're alive, they should be safe." David said. he ruffled Max's hair gently, putting a bandage over the wound on his cheek. Max nodded slightly, wincing lowly. he closed his eye's and left himself settle in the bed. he was almost asleep when David tucked him in gently, even tucking Mr.Honeynuts in with him. David rubbed his good cheek gently then walked off. Max couldn't help but fall asleep. his bruises from his family and old foster homes seemed to nearly shine in the fading sun light. David had only been his adoptive father for about three weeks and it seemed he still hadn't had enough time to heal.

he groaned slightly and shifted. he whined lowly, his chest hurt. he slowly opened his eye's. the sun was almost set.

"David?" Max muttered, slowly sitting up. David had apparently come back and wrapped his torso. he had bled through the bandages and could no longer find Mr.Honeynuts. David had probably moved him so he wouldn't get bloody. "D-David?" Max ask, looking around. he could see a figure walking closer to him, but it wasn't David. it was Daniel. Max's eye's widened and scrambled off the bed. "what did you do to David!?" Max shouted, backing away from Daniel.

"nothing. the idiot fucking disappeared." Daniel said.

"don't talk about David like that! only I can!" Max hissed. he watched Daniel spin the knife in his hand. he winced slightly and backed himself towards the door slowly. "get away from me you murdering freak!" Max shouted, throwing the cabin door open and hitting Daniel in the face with it.

Cult leaderWhere stories live. Discover now