No one like you

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I am the only one.No one undertsnads me, I am not yor perfect little miss.I am..........well....there is not really a word to decribe me.I want people to understand but......i am there worst nightmere.It was like any other day i wake up,take a shower,and eat. I dont eat what every one else eats, I eat paimt from the can, luckily my Dad is a paiter......Thats right Jerry Dad famous painter. Is sad to hear that his daughter is like no one else. I dont want to do this to him bit i cant help it. I wonder if anyone can except me. Not even my iwn mother loves me sge left me when she foumd out what i can really "do."My name is Rebecca Winsten and this is my story. It wasnt that ling ago when i found out I had a problem so now i live in a ratchet aparnent with my Dad. He was famous but now is known very well. I walked toward twh kitchen when he told me I am extraordinary, but he was just getting my feelings up. I had a therapy sesion again and they make me feel worthless. I almost killed my self once because of the theropist, they are sipossed to help. When they say there is no one like you, they litaraly mean there is no one like you your horrible. Mayne today will change. I never run away from a fight

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