Part 4⚙️

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Oon....Oon....AY SHIA OON!!!GET UP!!!!! Her mother shouted while here is Arthit still sleeping peacefully without knowing that hes already late in his class.

"ARTHIT ROJNAPAT!!!MOVE YOUR FUCKING ASS NOW YOU ARE LATE ON YOUR FIRST CLASS!!!" Arthit jolted in his bed and scream in panicked.

"WHAT?WHAT?WERE IS THE MONSTER?! IS P'KONG ALREADY DEFEAT HIM? CAN WE GO TO THE PINKMILK PALACE NOW- AWWW MAEEEE!!WHY DID YOU?-Wait what time is it?" Arthit glance at the clock and his eyes poped out when he read the time. Its fucking 8:30 in the morning and his first class will start at 9.

"WAAAAAA MAE AM LATE!!WHERE IS THE BATHROOM?!WHERE IS MY UNIFORM? WHERE IS MY SHOE-AWWW MAEEEE WHY DID YOU KEEP ON HITTING ME?!" He literally shout while panicking for looking his things to prepare for going to school.

"Stop panicking!!! Are you done dreaming about Kong with the monsters Arthit?! Ohh stop looking at me and move your ass to your bathroom and prepare yourself!!!why do I always waking you up and end up annoying me!" Her mother retored and  walk out in his room to prepare breakfast for them.

Once Arthit fishish preparing he walk down to the dining area to eat breakfast with his parents.

"Morning mae,por" He greeted.

"Morning. I prepare you food, you want to eat here or in your school?" Her mother ask. He says he's going to eat in school because hes already late.

Arthit arrived in their room 15 minutes late. He can see the teasing look of his friends while the professor keep on scolding him infront of their class a while ago. After finishing the class, the gang lead out to the cafeteria to ate lunch. He doesn't bother to buy a lunch because her mother packed him food. He only ordered pinkmilk.

"Well,well,well who is the one who needs money?" Bright spoke teasingly while patted Toota

"Whoa who is the one who wants to attend the fanmeeting?" Toota also retored, Toota looked at Knott and Prem asking to join teasing Arthit.

"Is he the one asking me to give him money? And hope to find him a job? Who was it Knott?" Prem teasingly said while looking at Arthit. As for Arthit, he looks really annoyed.

"You fuckers-" He doesn't finish of what about hes going to say cause Knott interrupt him

"Shh dont tease Arthit! By the way do you have a money already?" Asked Knott adding the fuel to the fire that Arthit feel.

"Not you too Ai'Knott!!!!! Stop teasing me!!!" Arthit said grumping while drinking his pinkmilk.

"HAHAHA okay okay. Such a kid. How's the fanmeet Oon?" Knott ask again.

"I already submit my entry Knott. But I dont know if I can win." Arthit spoke while hitting the floor like a kid.

"Where? Can we see it?" Bright asked.

"What hell no! You all just teasing me if you read it!" Arthit knows that when his friends read the entry he says they  gonna tease him everyday.

"HAHAHAHAHA OHMYGOD ARTHIT I CANT BELIEVE THAT YOU ACTUALLY DESCRIBED YOURSELF LIKE THIS!! OHGOD! OUR BABY ARTHIT WILL HAVE A BOYFRIEND BEFORE THIS YEAR END! I PAY IF HE DONT!" Toota said. He remembered that he followed Toota in his twitter acc. He cant help but to blush about whats he write in that tweet.

"I PAY 1000 BATH IF ARTHIT WILL HAVE A BOYFRIEND BEFORE THIS YEAR END. WHOSE WITH ME?!" Bright ask waving his money. Toota raised his hands while Prem bet contrast. Knott only shook his head.

"Are you fucking  bet with my fucking relationship before the fucking year end?" Arthit said while he still cursing his friends in his head.

After hearing the teasing of his friend the bell rang and the luch is over so they walk back to their classroom to attend their next class.

Kongpob remember the man he bumped last night. He even spill the man's favorite drink and guess what? He fucking run away! He doesnt know how to repay that man because hes in the rush that night. P'Jane called him and asked him to go home because one of his sponsor wants to talk to him about his fanmeet. So that he has no other choice but to hit and run that cutie.

"KONG! Are you def? I fucking call you 4 minutes from now!" His bestfriend Aim said.

"Aww am sorry I just remember something. Why did you call me?" Singto asked while studying the location of where he is right now.

"The shooting will be over soon or less than an hour. Want to drive you home?" Aim asked while tapping his phone, chatting with his girlfriend May.

"No need. I can drive back to my house. As if you can leave May another minute." Kongpob teasingly said to his bestfriend. Aim is his childhood friend. They are friends when Kongpob is in the orphanage. When P'Jane adopted him he always visit the orpahanage and always talk to Aim. When he slightly knew in the industry of showbiz he offer Aim a job to be his assistant manager so that he can have a job to buy a apartment for himself or to go to school.

"Kong? How's the fanmeet going?" Aim remembered to ask Kong about his fanmeet.

"Oww I already choose 5" Kongpob say while staring at the cealing looking like a crazy man with wide smile and sparkling eyes. Aim notice that Kongpob is not himself this day. And he didnt know what the fuck is in Kongpob's mind right now because when he look again he can see that Kongpob is imagining things again.

"Aiii Shia Kong!!! What the fuck is that look!! It looks creepy especially when you smile like that" Aim said while looking at Kongpob asking for an answer.

"Well I think Fanmeet is not that bad hehe" Kong said while grinning like an idiot. Aim shivers when he listen to Kong saying. He tap his bestfriend and ask him to go back to shooting so that they can go home early.

After freshen up. Kongpob find his way to his bed and push his body to bed. While he's lying on the bed he can't help but to think. He only have almost less than  2 months before his fanmeet. He already chosen the lucky 5 VIP's. Their description about themselves looks cathy to Kongpob except in one. Don't say that he has his favorite. Yes that description of that someone is boring but...

Okay that's for today I have to sleep... I want to sleep alreadyyy!!!!!! Geez stop messing around in my mind!!


Yeahyeah i know its too boring🤧. I really love all the Sotus Ost even if I cant understand the lyrics, tho I memorized some of them😂Im sorry for the errors. I edit it once Im done with some of my issues in life HAHAHAHAHA again im sorry. Please vote this story and you can also comment if you want too. I hope you like this chapter and my story😗thank you for still reading this mwhamps😘see you on next chap.


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