only then 1

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Stupid horse!
Yoongi slump slowly and cleaning the dirt on his brisket and back.
I will behead that animal as I came home..

That said animal were gone without trace and leave him alone in the deep creepy..dark enchanted forest.
Enchanted huh..
That's what the elders said about that place.

He get on his feet.. Still mumbling while his hand patting the remaining dirt on his pants.

He looks around..
He completely lost!
He should waiting for his guard..escorting him..since this is his first time traveling around the country.
Somehow..the horse took him place that he never intended to be...

He sighs in frustration...regretting his stupidity and also his impatient that drag him to trouble.

Behind the intersection branches and leaves..the cute crescent brown eyes keep an eye and monitoring his movement.
Fighting with an animal..

The cute eyes giving a signal to other accomplice ..ready to make a move in any time.

Yoongi wandering without direction..everything looks same to him.
Big tree..another big tree..and another...
I should mark wherever I go..that's the way to keep me not moving all around on the same place..
How brilliant am I...Yoongi compliment himself and chuckles alone.

The cutie still stare at his behavior.
Good looking man but...he seems like almost lost his mind.
It's true..
Being in the middle of nowhere can make people crazy.
Should I give him a 'welcoming greeting' by his silly act...trespassing over others territory..

The other still waiting for his command in patience..with arrows and bow on their hand..ready to strike in any second.
Wait for it guys..
He didn't look dangerous...and seems like he doesn't carry any weapons with him.
Who are you? What your business here?
Are you come to threaten us?

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