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Hi♥️ guys. Gosh this is crazy "squeal"

This sequel's been only possible because of your constant support and motivation. I'm so happy that you guys support and encourage me to do the one thing I love the most. It means a lot to me. So I just wanna take this very moment and thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for being there for me and supporting this story. Every comment, vote and share means the world to me and I appreciate you doing that. Without you guys, this wouldn't have happened. So thank you for giving this book a chance and boarding with me on this ride. You have a special place in my heart♥️

The sequel is here so hold on tight because it's gonna be one hell of a ride. There is going to be love, hate, jealousy, fights, breakups and intimacy (I know I owe you that)


✨First thing first, do read the first book so you know all the characters and the rest of the story of H&H. It'll help you to understand everything.

✨This book contains swearing, graphic scenes related to violence and sex. So if you're underage just don't read it or skip those scenes. It's totally up to you.

This book is UNEDITED because English isn't my first language. I really hope you don't find the mistakes annoying. As soon I'll be done with some stories I'll get back to editing. But for now, I hope you don't mind.

Does anyone has a shipname for Heath and Hope? I just always call them H&H.


All Rights of this book are ©reserved to me. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

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