~ back to him

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He turned from his parents, though he could hardly call them that, and was filled with happiness for the year ahead of him. It was his seventh and final year at hogwarts, the year him and his 3 best friends (formally known as the mauraders) had been waiting for practically their whole lives. He turned to regulus to say a quick goodbye but soon realized he was no where to be found- but most likely already in his compartment with his fellow slytherins- the exact place Sirius had no intention of entering.

He dragged his trunk behind him, and scanned the compartments until he found the 3 faces he was looking for.

But there was one face specifically he missed the most over the summer.

"Moooooonyyyyyy! Earth to Moony?"


""I saidddd that whoever asks out a girl first this year wins 5 gallons and the loser has to jump in the lake," Remus heard James say.

"Uh yeah sure," I replied without really thinking about what I was saying.

My mind was preoccupied with more important things- like the N.E.W.T.s we would be taking that year, the new books I needed to catch up on in the library, Sirius... No. That last one was a mistake. I saw Sirius as a friend, only a friend. A really close friend, my brain told him. Shut it, I told myself. I realized I'd been zoning out for the second time in a few minutes, and was brought back to earth when I heard that irresistible voice I had longed for the whole summer.


I brought my eyes up to where Sirius was standing in the compartment doorway, and quickly realized how much I had missed him- and almost didn't recognize him. We all knew Pads took his role as Gryffindor keeper quite seriously and it was clear that he had been working out over the summer. His shirt was untucked as he must have been rushing that morning (its no surprise he overslept) which revealed his toned abs and pale stomach, and his dark brown locks that swept over that handsome face of his.

"Pads! There's so much to catch up on: i-we've missed you," I added while blushing ferociously.

Sirius responded quietly while being pulled into a hug by his best mate, "i missed you more."

I didn't think he heard sirius correctly. "What did you say?"

But before I could answer, James butt in- talking quickly to Sirius, and siri talking almost as fast back to him. We had a long ride ahead of us- I would let the rest of them talk now, I thought while burying my head back into one of my favorite books.

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