Itchy Wrist And Weird Happenings

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Ah, the peaceful feeling of waking up but still not yet awake. The blankets feel soft, the pillow feels like a cloud and you rub your soft feet together and sigh contently.


You wake up with a jump, immediately hitting your head on the small wall book shelf above your bed (because it looked cute in the Pinterest pictures.)

"Yay, birthday concussion!" You hear you brother, Jiho, laugh.

You open your eyes as you rub your bumpy head and see your parents and your older brother circling your bed. Your mom held a plate with some turtle shaped melon bread. Your father held a bunch of pastel colored balloons and your brother held the burden of living in this family.

"Happy birthday, my dear," Your mother kisses your forehead and rushes you to get up. Your father just stays there looking at you with a dad face.

"Let us see the wrist, dude." Jiho approaches you and start grabbing your arm. "Aw, it's all red already."

Then he slapped it.

"FUCK!" You scream in pain, it felt just like slapping a freshly done tattoo. "What the fuck? MOOOOM!"

He just laughed as your mother scolded him like a toddler and the family left for the kitchen, waiting for you to get ready.

You go the bathroom and do your regular morning routine. Put on your school uniform which consisted of a white button down shirt, a dark green plaid skirt, black tights and since it was a bit chilly you also opted to put on the grey jumper that was part of the uniform in cold days. Topping it all off with a long silver necklace with a bee pendant your beekeeper grandfather gave you last year.

Before you make your way downstairs you take a look at your sore wrist, the red mark looks much bigger than what they show in television and books, it's usually a thin line and yours looks larger. You'll definitely have to ask your friend once you get to school.

You reach the kitchen and is immediately greeted to the smell of freshly made gimbap, thick Japanese egg rolls, kimchi and the plate of melon bread your mom showed you earlier. Your mouth starts to water and you quickly made your way to your usual seat in front of Jiho, picked your chopsticks and shoved a large egg roll in your mouth.

The breakfast took its usual time and soon there wasn't even a speck of food left on the plates, your family were good eaters. As you put on your backpack and left the house with Jiho, your mom comes out screaming.

"Y/N, DON'T FORGET THIS!" She shoved a small bottle in your hand.

It had a picture of a man with transparent clothing surrounded by cherry blossoms, it

JYP's Soulmate Spray: for when you're soulmate is too excited to come out.

You looked at her with confused eyes. "It's an anesthetic spray, it helps with the itching and the pain in your wrist until the name comes out." She explained. "And we're very excited to see that name." She pinches your cheek.

You thank your mom and made your way to your yellow bike, riding alongside your brother until you reached the closest train station.

The outside of the train station was full of early street vendors already and after you and Jiho locked your bikes on the usual spot, your brother dragged you to a corn dog stall.

"You want one? My treat for your barfday." He offered.

"We just ate," He lifted his eyebrows and gave you a knowing look, "yes. The cheesy one, please."

You made your way to your train spot while eating your corn dog and waving goodbye to your brother, who took another train since he was in college and was excited to meet up with his boyfriend.

Before entering on the full train, you were able to catch the Student Council President Kim Jisoo staring at you with a confused face. She's been doing that a lot lately but never approached you. You just ignore it and shove yourself between bodies and bags as a station's employee poked the people near the train's door with a long stick until everyone was tightly packed inside.

"Happy Birthday to me." You sighed, but not too hard because it was difficult to breath.

At school you meet up at the entrance with your best friend, Irene.

"Hey there birthday girl," She wraps an arm around you and kisses your temple. "can't wait to see that name pop up later today, any ideas of who might it be?"

""I have no idea. I never had anything with anyone." You sigh.

"You know," Irene started. "Most people here already turned eighteen, they probably have your name on their wrist and are just waiting for theirs to show up on yours."

"True." You nodded in thought. "Jennie has been way more aggressive to me lately. Could be her highness not accepting my peasant ass as her soulmate."

You both laughed and looked around for any sight of Jennie Kim but only finding her known silver Porsche illegally parked, taking two disabled spots.

You jumped at the sound of loud bass music and looked at the direction it was coming from. Lisa has arrived with her piece of shit car, how in the hell she get such an old and broken Soviet car in South Korea, nobody knew.

The loud bass was mixed with the sounds of a the car's screams, begging to be killed. Lisa parked the beast in a free spot and her best friends Moonbyul and Sana left the car. When Lisa got out of the car the driver's door completely fell off in a loud boom, catching the attention of everyone close.

"Goddamnit, piece of USSR shit!" Lisa shouted and everyone laughed, her friends and her quickly picked up the door and started kicking it back into its spot.

"Yo, Jun!" Lisa shouted and ran to you and Irene. A surprise since she never gave a shit about either of you before, but a welcoming one. "It's your birthday, right?"

You nodded and Lisa smiled, she fished for something inside her messenger bag and shoved it in your hand. A box of strawberry Pocky.

"I... Thank you, Lisa." You said shyly and her smile got even bigger. Irene looked at the interaction with narrowed and curious eyes.

"So kind of you, Lisa." Irene said. "Really kind, really."

"Is that so, Bae? That soulmate of yours, who apparently goes to another school, never got you any candy before?" Lisa asked in fake innocence, making Irene scoff and Lisa winked at you before leaving.

"Seulgi-bear is real, Y/N." Irene whined.

"I know, unnie." You laughed and patted her head.

You both made your way inside the school, the day was already weird but you shook it off. What you didn't know is that by the end of the school day, it was going to get even weirder.

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