To start, let's use a random five-digit number. I'll use 22457.
Clan Name- First Digit
1: RainClan
2: FireClan
3: BoulderClan
4: StormClan
5: SunClan
6: MoonClan
8: NightClan
9: DuskClan
0: DawnClan
My Clan is FireClan!
Territory- Second Digit
1: Mountain
2: Forest
3: Jungle
4: Plains
5: Wetland
6: River
7: Plateau
8: Desert
9: Back alley of a Twolegplace
0: Caves
My Clan is located in a Forest.
Prey of choice- Third Digit
1: Rats
2: Mice
3: Rabbits
4: Small birds
5: Geese (hawks if your territory is the desert)
6: Squirrels
7: Frogs and toads
8: Lizards
9: Fish
0: Snakes (I'm sure some cat would have the guts enough to kill a snake)
My Clan prefers small birds.
Fighting Style- Fourth Digit
1: Ambush
2: Fighting head-on
3: Brutal attacking
4: Trickery
5: Fighting with nobility (Following the Warrior code and not trying to kill other cats)
6: With precise agility
7: Fighting in large groups
8: Fighting in the cover of shadows
9: Trying to not fight and instead keep the peace
0: Taking advantage of your territory (ex. Attacking from the trees)
My Clan fights with nobility.
Reputation- Fifth Digit
1: Feared and respected
2: Scorned and laughed at
3: Hated and feared
4: Loved and respected
5: Considered cowardly
6: Respected, but not entirely liked
7: Respected by some and hated by others
8: Entirely hated
9: Respected so much it's almost like other Clans worship this one
0: Respected and considered noble
My Clan is respected by some and hated by others.
So, my Clan is FireClan, they live in the Forest, they prefer to eat small birds, they fight with nobility, and are respected by some and hated by others.
I'm sorry if your Clan info doesn't make sense! :3
Clan Maker
RandomI have decided to make a Clan Maker! Instead of giving you the name of a cat, this generator provides the name, prey of choice, fighting styles, and other stuff of a Clan!