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Gia and Rin in the MM, Gia on the left and Rin on the right.

All I could feel was the faint burning sensation of the harsh liquor as I downed another shot. Tonight just seemed like one of those nights that I needed to forget and honestly, the liquor was not doing its job.

I sat at the bar of some random nightclub that I was dragged to by my best friend, Rin. Now usually you would never see me in a place like this — hair loosely hanging down my exposed back as my tight black dress barely cover my ass. But like I said, tonight was an exception. After 4 years I was finally a single woman and even though you couldn't tell from looking at me; I was excited about it.

A deep sigh escaped my lips as I downed yet another firey shot.

Men, I thought to myself.

Over the loud music and obnoxious yelling of the bar's occupants, one deep voice stood out to me. A voice that always seemed to bring me past my boiling point and one time even landed me in the back of a police car.

With an annoyed shake of my head, I let my eyes glance up in the direction of the voice. He stood there in all his glory surrounded by groupies with a kool-aide smile plastered across his face. Now, he wasn't ugly — far from it actually. His deep caramel skin was decorated with intricate tattoos that covered almost every inch of his chest and arms while he had a set of dark slanted eyes that just pulled you in. But by far, his best feature was his lips; he had a pair of lips that looked like the most comfortable seat in the club. Even just thinking about the things those lips could do to me had my knees weak.

So no, he wasn't ugly, just extremely irritating. Suddenly his eyes landed on me and I don't know if it was all the liquor we had consumed or the dim lights in the room, but I could see nothing but lust in his low eyes. But to be fair, all of the girls dancing around him were half-dressed and ready to do as he pleased.

Quickly, I shook the thought from my mind as I threw back another shot. That just wasn't the kind of relationship David and I had; if you could even call what we had a relationship.

I shifted my eyes and watched Rin sway her hips to the beat as a guy danced closely behind her. At times I wished I had the same confidence that she carried, my best friend craved attention and that attention loved her. All eyes were on her as she pressed her body against the guy who was clearly enjoying every bit of that dance. A small smile crept onto my face as I slid down from my seat making eye contact with Rin to let her know where I was going.

"Bathroom." I mouthed, as she gave me a slight nod before focusing back onto the man she currently had in a trance.

I pushed my way through the crowd of sweaty people, grunting in annoyance as the wandering hands of drunk strangers grazed my skin. This was one of the main reasons I hated coming to places like this, just the thought of losing my rational thinking and being vulnerable like this sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine.

The door to the girl's bathroom swung open and a group of drunk girls came out stumbling and giggling as they made their way back to the dance floor. Back before Rin and I met, I had a similar group of friends who were like sisters to me but to some people, that didn't make a difference.

I finally made my way over to the sink and leaned down on it to support my weight as I met my eyes in the mirror. My plump lips slightly pouted as little beads of sweat dotted my hairline. At the sight of my now frazzled hair, I rolled my dark brown eyes and ran my hands under the water in an attempt to smooth it down.

I told Rin it would be stupid to straighten my hair tonight, but when does she ever listen to me?

My first night out and here I was, in a dirty club bathroom trying to get myself together because once again David brought out the worst in me. I gave myself a once over before sighing and giving myself a fake smile in the mirror.

Don't be a pussy, Gia. He just wants to antagonize you like always.

Flipping my hair over my shoulder, I sauntered back to the door and pushed it open as I let the loud music engulf my thoughts. Why was I so bothered tonight?

As my foot crossed the threshold I was pushed back into the wall as a large tattooed hand kept me barricaded in place. I frowned at the man's closeness as the smell of patron and weed mixed with his cologne assaulted my nose.

"I see just a look from me had you hot and bothered, huh?"

Internally I groaned, it seemed like I just couldn't catch a break. My eyes trailed up from his crisp white t-shirt and landed on his lips. His lips parted as a cocky smirk appeared on his at my lack of response.

"David, don't you have something better to be doing?" I forced my gaze to meet his; I could tell he was tipsy but I doubt it would stop him from bothering me and disturbing my peace.

He chucked and let his body lean down so that his lips gently brushed against my ear causing an unwanted shiver to travel down my spine. I let my eyes narrow as my hands pushed on his chest letting him know I was uncomfortable with our current position.

This time he smacked his teeth after seeing my annoyed expression. "I can't talk to you or something? Don't be acting stuck up."

Even though he was high and tipsy, his tone was even as his glare met mine. I could feel the usual rage I get around him start to build up as a hue of pink spread across my cheeks. He knew just what to say to piss me off and I fell for it every single time. It's been like this since we were kids - he'd say something stupid to me and I would flash on him.

Being my older brother's best friend I really had no say in whether Teddy was around but our dislike for each other quickly turned dark as we got older. We were like oil and water.

"Move your musty ass out my way, David. I won't be saying it again." I spoke, keeping my eyes locked on his as my leg twitched in anticipation, he had one more chance to move or I was kneeing his right in his balls.

From the outside looking in we probably looked like a couple based on our intimate position, but little did anyone else know we were the furthest thing from that.

He ignored my words as his head dipped down again, letting his lips brush over my ear again. "I saw the way you watched me, if I didn't know any better I would think you wanted me."

His husky voice made the goosebumps on my skin rise as his chest pressed me firmly against the wall. My smart remark was caught in my throat as his teeth grazed the sensitive skin below my earlobe.

What was he doing? And better yet, why was my heart beating in my chest like a hummingbird?

Hey guys! If you're reading this I just would like to let you know how excited I am to get back into writing. Constructive criticism is always expected. Be sure to leave feedback and have fun with this story

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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