Chapter 1

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"Good morning princess, I pray you slept well" I hear Rose – my maid and the woman who basically raised me – say in an all to cheerful voice for this early in the morning.

My eyes fluster open at the sudden brightness in the room and let out a loud groan. "Please Rose ten more minutes."

She let out a huff. "That is what you said the first two times I came in here to wake you."

"Well like they always say... third times the charm!" I state sarcastically. What can I say, I am NOT a morning person!

"Come now dear, today is going to be a busy day." She explains gently while pulling the covers off my body, sending shivers down my back at the sudden lack of warmth.

"When is it not." I state curtly.

Don't get me wrong, I am blessed to never have to worry about money, to live in a palace, be a princess, blah blah blah... I just can't help but want something different, a quiet life living in a cabin in the woods raising a bunch of kids with someone I love. Royalty just simply is not for me.


"Good morning Niles."

"Ah good morning my prince, I was not going to wake you for another half hour!" He says as I let out a small laugh.

Niles is more of a father figure to me than my own father. He knows me better than anyone else so him still being surprised that I get up before he can wake me amuses me every day.

"Where is my father? I wish to speak with him about our departure time for the meeting this afternoon."

I have been looking forward to finally being a part of a meeting of such high importance. I was a rebellious teenager who made numerous of mistakes, and it took me years before my father finally agreed to let me sit in on a meeting again.

"I am sorry Prince Harold, but your father left in the middle of the night to fly down to Azbania" Niles stated solemnly.

He what!

"Are you sure?" I said, desperation evident in my voice that I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to.

"Yes, my prince, I am so sorry."

How could he do this? Sure, I made thousands of mistakes after my mother died, but I just wanted his attention. If it meant making him believe it was just me being a "normal teenager" then so be it, at least then he would give me the time of day. But now after all these years and after finally, FINALLY, convincing him I was worthy it turns out he was lying. Well I am not going to have it... I am going down there myself!

First chapter done! Comment and let me know what you think, I would love to hear your opinions!

Love Always, ~ L

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