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(The picture above is one of your guitars)

So in this story (b/p/n/) means bass player name

(d/n) means drummer name

(R/g/p/n) means rhythm guitar player name

(Y/n) P.O.V

Today was the day that you will have your first performance. You just released your new album and about to perform in a local place in Chicago. Since you live in Chicago ( only for the story) you were so nervous. " The next band performing will be ( y/b/n)!" The announcer said. Oh no. What if people laugh at me?! What if they don't like the music I wrote?! Focus (y/n), you could do this. You took a deep breath and just walked up the stage with your band mates. Then you started your first song.

After song...

The crowd surprisingly started cheering. I guess they liked it :). Then you started walking off the stage and went to drink some beers with your band mates to celebrate your first ever concert. " I can't believe that people like our music already!" (b/p/n) said. " I know right!" I said. Then we all started feeling a little lightheaded and stopped drinking before we get drunk. 

1 year later...

We just started touring and we have thousands of fans already. I guess my band and I really have great talent with writing music. Then we all went on the stage and started performing. I am the lead singer and lead guitarist (like Gustavo Cerati) of my band. It truly is a nice experience performing with people singing along. 

A few songs later...

Once we were starting to play our next song I saw a very special person in the audience. Someone I thought will never go see my concerts. Someone I thought I will never meet. The one....and only.....Micheal...Trent...Reznor.

Cliffhanger!!! Hehe 

Sorry if it was too short... I promise you the next one will not be this short since  this is an intro after all...thanks for reading!

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