Paparazzi and some food

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It think I am starting to figure out how to use this thing! Woohoo!!!


I walked over to where the boys are all standing.

"So where we gonna go?" I asked as I reached the group.

"Well first we're gonna see of there is a back door." Liam said to me

"Why?" I asked confused

They all pointed to the front door. I looked at the door and saw men and women standing with cameras, paparazzi

"Oh." I said understanding their dilemma.

"Excuse me sir? Is there a back door we could use?" Zayn asked the bartender.

"There is, but it got jammed after someone backed into it this morning." The burly man said, seeing our situation.

"Do you have a hat and/or sunglasses?" Harry asked me.

"Yes sir E bob' I said putting on my SnapBack and sunnies.

"We'll aren't you prepared." Chuckled Niall. I just nodded to them, completely serious.

"I go nowhere with out a hat in hand." I said to the five boys. After a few seconds they all bursted out in laughter.

"No, I'm dead serious. If I'm not wearing one I still have one with me just in case I want to wear it." I said to them with a straight face. All at once they stopped laughing at me and looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm joking, but I do love me, mah hats." I said while laughing at their expressions.

All of the boys attentions shifted to the door as a broad shouldered man walked through the door.

"Paul!!" They all shouted in unison.

"Boys." He said, clearly not happy with having to rescue them.

"Paul, this is Molly, our new friend." Zayn said excitedly.

"Okay, well nice to meet you, Molly." Paul said to me putting his hand out to me, I gladly shook it.

"Very nice to meet you as well, Paul." I said kindly.

"Okay so now what?" Harry asked to no one in particular.

"Smile and wave boys, smile and wave." I said, grinning like an idiot.

"Oh my gosh! I love that movie!" Liam said in a very excited and exuberant tone.

"Yes! High five! You're now my movie buddy." I exclaimed with just as much excitement.

"I'll clear a path for you guys to the car." Paul said answering Harry's question.

"One problem," Harry shouted over us two. "What are we going to do with her?" He finished, pointing to me.

"Looky here, sherly temple, I have a name." I said bitterly, standing in front of the curly haired boy, glaring up at him.

"Whatever you say, shortie." He calmly said back smirking thinking he'd won.

"Nice one, Cornell comeback. Did Julius Caesar tell you that one?" I snapped back immediately.

"Well... Uh... At least I'm not a blonde lil' plastic ditz." He stuttered. The rest of the boys, and myself gasped at this.

That was low.

I grabbed his t-shirt and pulled it down bringing his face level to mine.

"You listen here, and you listen good. If you ever, and I mean ever, Degrade me by calling me a blonde ditz again. I'll make sure you regret it. Understand, cousin it?" I sniped back at him,my voice full of acid. He shook his head yes, with a look of absolute terror on his face.

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