Chapter 11

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Taehyung stood in the lobby of a hotel where despite the late hour, he was left waiting for his aunt who had told him to meet her there.

A bit uncertain over his own thoughts he stood there watching people come and go till his phone vibrated in his pocket and got his attention. He was soon met with a text from his girlfriend Sira, who asked him if he was still at work. He couldn't help but smile thinking of her waiting at their couch for him and because of how cute her care seemed to him at that moment he couldn't help but leave a smile to appear on his lips while his orbs reread the few words she had texted.

He started texting a reply to her but he ended up not being able to finish and send it, as he got an incoming call from his aunt and reflexively responded to the call.

"Please come to room 2013" Her voice reached at his ear as soon as he placed the device near it and the call ended as soon as t had begun.

A little perplexed over this Taehyung gave a look at his surroundings then proceeded to walk over to the elevator, now feeling a bit uneasy with this meeting even though he was the one that had called her requesting to see her.

There was just something in the way things had turned out so far that left him with a weird gut feeling. Even though no reason for him to be uncomfortable really existed. His thoughts traveled to the past as he stood in the elevator, going up, closer to the destination he was mean to be at.  He could recall all the times he as a kid had met his aunt, how sweet and loving she tended to be with both him and Jimin. How she would bring them the best and most expensive gifts and how she would scold them every time they were to fight over anything with her own kids. 

"You shouldn't fight with JaeHyun. You are a family." She used to say and as Taehyung recalled her gaze back then, he suddenly felt himself losing confidence in his current stance. Could it possibly be true? Could she have really meant something closer than a cousin when she had told him that they were family? He couldn't help but doubt for an instance and then immediately after feel guilt over that fact.

No. I am sorry father. You would never cheat. I know you weren't that kind of person. No.

He argued in his head, a bit angered over his own feelings then he stepped out of the elevator as the doors of it opened and set him free at the hall where he walked on, till he reached the door he was supposed to and knocked on it without hesitation.

No matter how kind she was to appear before him. No matter what warm and motherly vibes his aunt was to radiate to him. No matter how much she was to resemble his dear mother on appearance, he was not gonna let himself get fooled. He came here to put her in a tight spot and get the truth out of her. He came here to let her know that neither he nor Jimin are planning to let her step over the name of their late father just so she could benefit from it. Yet...Once the door opened, he felt his strong intentions vanishing before the warm eyes that resembled his mothers so much, the smile that filled him with nostalgia and a warm embrace that almost brought him to tears.

Why? Why did she have to look so much like her? Why was it that despite how old he had grown, he still missed his mother so much that even though Taehyung was aware that it was not her, it still made his heart clench from the desire to feel his mother's warmth once more in his life?

---Change of set---

Jimin opened the door of his mansion for you and you entered with a smile, feeling happy that you were there as indeed it had been a while since you hadn't visited this place.

"Oh, it is as clean as I last remember it." You commented as you looked down on the floor, seeing your reflection as you passed by.

"The new maid has been doing a good job," Jimin replied as he approached you and brought you in a back hug, action that made your steps come to a halt.

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