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The rewrite is coming soon. 

For those of you who enjoyed 'The Feral War'. It has been renamed to 'The Taint of Wolves' 


Nova, a former prisoner of an anti-lupine cult, must team up with the creatures she was taught to fear to save her beloved country from war.


Lycans and humans live alongside each other. Peace hangs by a thread. At every corner, a new threat seeks to break the Peace Accords that keep the land from falling into war.The Ravi have emerged as a fanatical organisation whose sole-purpose is the eradication of the lupine race. Their secret weapon - the Omega. A human bitten by Lycan. A girl tainted by the bond of the wolf.

For the past eight years, Nova has found herself the subject of cruel and inhumane experiments. She rules the patients of the asylum with tooth and claw but evil cannot be contained forever. Freedom beckons and Nova escapes into a world totally changed. With the Ravi hunting her, only one wolf can keep her hidden. Her long-lost mate.


 Thank you. I hope you enjoy the story when it begins. 

Follow me if you so wish. 

On instagram: saoimwrites. 

On Twitter: SaoiMarieWrites

Until chapter one: Saoimarie.

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