Movie night w Kit (with a twist of course) SMUT WARNING

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This smut is soft but rough at the same time. enjoy! :)
f/s =favorite song
y/n =your name

As you were listening to your f/s  dancing around your room in your matching panties and bra, your phone buzzes from Kit trying to call you

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As you were listening to your f/s dancing around your room in your matching panties and bra, your phone buzzes from Kit trying to call you. You picked up the phone excitedly "hey mr kit, why are you calling" you said in a flirtatious joking voice. "hey y/n i'm coming over to watch the new season of Supernatural with you" he said. "fuck i'm not even wearing anything" you said in a worried tone. "Well now i'm even more excited to come over" he said in a flirtatious voice. "you're such a dumbass kit" you said. "yea i know you are, but what am i baby" he said. Your eyes widened from him calling you baby and your face got all red and flustered, "okay kit see you soon" you said and hung up the phone. You had been best-friends with kit since 8th grade and you've never stopped having feelings for a dumbass who was charming, funny, and handsome. You guys always joked around flirtatiously or in a corny way. But everytime he was near you, you always seemed to get butterflies in your stomach and you would fumble over your words. You had such a huge crush on him but you would always be too shy and insecure to admit your feelings for him. As you nervously thought about him driving himself to your house, you put on a oversized sweatshirt and some gym shorts. *ding dong* the doorbell rang "FUCK HES HERE" you thought, and went to open the door and you were greeted by his goofy smile with his dimples popping out of his handsome face. "heyy y/n did you miss me,i bet you did" he said in a cocky joking tone. "oh kit oh how i've missed you so much" you said in a joking tone. "okay y/n you can shut up now and hug me, and while you're at it welcome me into your house, it's so cold out here" he said as he was shivering. You hugged him, he smelt so good like always but it kinda seemed like he was an 13 year old boy who was going on his first date and sprayed his dad's cologne EVERYWHERE but in a good way. As he walked into your house you guys walked towards your room, which was two rooms down next to your roommate's room. You two didn't really know each other for long but you bonded with her when you started college and she was the only one who really understood you. As you both entered your room Kit plopped unto your bed laying on his stomach. "well y/n what are you waiting for, come over here" kit said. As you he said that you walked toward the bed with a fast pase and laid on your back with legs facing towards him. He grabbed the remote and put supernatural on in Netflix. The episode started playing but he immediately wouldn't get off his phone. You guys were more than 30 minutes into the episode when he was still on his phone. "what the fuck dickhead let me see what's so important on that phone of yours" you said in a playful manner. You grabbed his phone and saw how he automatically panicked. You grabbed his phone to see him watching porn. You both stared at each other for 5 seconds and you could see how embarrassed he was. He went to go snatch his phone from you, and as he did that you saw his hard bulge sticking out from his dark grey sweatpants. Your eyes went straight to it and you could see how big he was, and that made you automatically wet. "you like what you see, cuz your staying at it pretty hard" he said. You snapped out of your staring and said "well you were definitely enjoying something else rather than the show". "yea and now i'm going to have this boner for the rest of the night" he said embarrassed. "fuck i wish he could put his big dick inside me right now and call me his good girl" you thought in your head. You were so turned on and couldn't get the sight of his hard print out of your head. "I mean I could help possibly" you said in a shy voice. His eyes widened from your sudden boldness. "Maybe you could, put my dick in that pretty mouth of yours and make me cum". As he said this he got up and got closer to you and grabbed your soft cheeks and kissed you softly but passionately. He started to move down to your neck planting soft kisses and hickies on your neck. This caused you to be so wet and start breathing heavily. You started rubbing his dick through his sweatpants, you could feel how hard it was getting with each movement and it was throbbing for your pussy. "mmh fuck y/n that feels good" kit moaned. You started to feel bad for teasing him and got on your knees and pulled down his sweatpants just for

 You started to feel bad for teasing him and got on your knees and pulled down his sweatpants just for

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his thick cock to hit his toned stomach. You grabbed it and touched his tip to your lips and kissed it softly while making direct eye contact with him. He started biting his lip, "shit baby don't tease me" he said. You put it into your mouth which was hard to fit in your mouth, so you shoved it in and his tip was touching back of your throat. This was when he started moaning softly in pleasure. He was grabbing your hair to keep it from getting in your face and looking straight into your eyes proudly. As you came up from sucking you stroked his cock and said "kit i want you inside me" you said biting your lip. "oh i will put my dick inside you baby girl, but first im going to need to eat that pretty pussy of yours" kit said seductively. He picked you up and
laid you on your back with his face close to your thighs and laid on his stomach. He pulled your gym shorts off and slide your panties slowly down your thighs to your feet. That made your pussy so insanely soaked. That when he touched your slit and rubbed it he said "mm glad your pussy is so wet for me already, can't wait to pound the fuck out of it". He then, stuck one finger inside your soaked pussy and started to hit your g spot. "mm shit, kit don't stop that feels so good" you moaned. "oh baby, i won't, i'm going to make you cum so good on my mouth", kit said. He started making out with your sensitive clit. Licking it slowly and sucking it hard. Your legs started to shake from the intensity and you started moaning his name while grinding on his face. "mm fuck y/n how do you taste this good" kit moaned. "fuck Kit i'm so close" you moaned. He started licking your clit faster while fingering you simultaneously. "kit kit that feels so good" you screamed. "Be a good girl and cum on my face and scream my name" kit said sternly. His words sent you over and that knot in your stomach built up and you started cumming. As you came you screamed his name while grinding on his face and struggling to keep your hips from moving. He kept going and you were riding out your high. You started to try to move away from his face and telling him to stop because your clit was so insanely sensitive. He stopped torturing your throbbing clit and stood up on his knees and told you to take off your shirt. You did as he said and quickly slid your sweatshirt above your arms revealing your red ruffled bra. "fuck, cant wait to get my mouth on those tits" kit said. You unclipped your bra and without hesitation he got closer to you, with an inch of space being left between you two. "you sure you want this" he asked. "yess, i'm wanted this for so long" you responded. After you said that he grabbed a condom from his sweatpants pocket and started leaning over you while putting it on slowly over his thick member. "seems like you've wanted this to happen too" you said. He chucked in response to you. He traced your lips with his finger and slid his dick slowly in your pussy. You immediately whimpered in pain and mostly pleasure. "did i hurt you, are you okay" he asked. "i'm fine, it's just i'm a virgin" you said. He started stroking slowly hitting your sweet spot and sending chills up your spine. "so i'm the one popping your cherry huh y/n" he said jokingly. He started rubbing your clit up and down with his thumb while thrusting in and out of your sore pussy. He was filling up every space inside your pussy and it felt so fucking good that it was hard not to cum so fast. "do you like that, baby" kit asked. "yes your dick feels so fucking good" you moaned. As he started rubbing your clit faster you felt your orgasm approaching you. As you your moaning was getting louder he started going faster and harder. "holy shit y/n your pussy is so god damn tight, i'm gonna cum". kit moaned. His moans were so deep and low it sounded like he couldn't function with your pussy hugging his big dick. You both could tell you guys were going to cum any minute by now, so you flipped him over and started riding him. Stroking your hips up and down and grinding your clit against his abs. He could tell your clit was throbbing for him, so he started rubbing it even faster than before with this thumb which caused you to cum immediately. "mm kit fuck i'm cumming" you screamed. He saw the intensity of your orgasm was too much for you to keep riding him so he started pounding you from under, gripping your hips and quickly moving his dick in and out of you. As you were cumming your walls started tightening the grip of his dick which caused his moans to increasingly turn into groans and then he started cumming. You saw his toes curl up and his face scrunch up from the warm load being released from his dick. You both stopped and he took off the condom and laid back onto the bed. You laid near each other and both and were heavy breathing from your intense orgasms and you laid your head on his chest. He moved his arm around your right shoulder and said "do you want to finish the episode now"? You both smirked and watched the show while cuddling naked under the covers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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