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What was that noise? And why was it so loud?? Altynay Davis opens her eyes to find her alarm clock going off. She groans, slamming the button and dreading another day at school. Life in Risett couldn't be anymore boring, literally she wouldn't be surprised if life was in black and white. As to add onto the stillness of life, stress was weighing down on her 24/7. Her mom was in and out of the hospital, and the doctor still couldn't find a diagnosis. Money was rough because of it. School was tough, especially for being in all advanced classes. Let's just say she wasn't the most popular either, so some people weren't the nicest. But it was okay. She's a tough girl, tough for the age of 17 in her junior year. Altynay came from humble beginnings, not flashy ones like the popular girls at her school. Oh, how she sometimes wished to be popular. She was sure they didn't have half as many problems as she did. But at least she has Amaya, her best friend. Or so she hoped. Altynay had begun to notice a change in her, and not for the good. She was too scared to ask if something was wrong, but she knew deep down something was. Best be getting off for school. After getting dressed and cleaning herself (and her room) up, checking on her mother, who lay sleeping in bed still, and grabbing a frozen Pop Tart from the freezer, she was off. Let's make it a good day. 


Josh lay in bed still, scrolling through his phone. Oblivious to the time, he slowly made to get out of bed, but stopped to sit back down as he saw a familiar face on his social media. His mother, out with her new boyfriend. Sheesh. He thought, She only left a month ago and she's already hooking up with someone else. Some mother. He closed his phone, and checked his clock to find that he was running 15 minutes late. "Crap!" Josh ran to his closet and picked out his best clothes he could find, grabbed his backpack, and ran out the front door. Josh turned around while running down to his sidewalk (his school was only a block away), to check if he locked the front door. His dad had an early start to work everyday, so he was already gone. Yep. Locked. Josh turned around and proceeded to run to school. He arrived on campus just in time, right before they closed the gate. He felt in a hurry despite his quick hurry. Still speed walking, Josh took a quick glance at his phone and walked straight into a girl. 

"Ow." The girl said, bending down, using one hand to rub her forehead and one to pick up her binder. 

"I am so sorry, just thought I was going to be late to-" That's when Josh looked up to see the girl, a beautiful brunette, with piercing blue eyes that sent chills down his spine. She wore a navy blue hoodie, hood up. "-class. Do I know you?" 

"No, but I know you. Josh Dunlap, if I'm not mistaken?" 

"The one and only. And what's your name?" He was hoping to get this fine girls number. He did not expect what was about to come out of her mouth. 

"A non-important girl who doesn't exist in the popular world. So why don't you go with your little snotty friends and go try and make out with one of them."

"I-" She had picked up her stuff and was walking away. Damn.


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