᭝᰷ฺ໋݊🍊ᮁ᳟ࣳ - seven

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me and jihoon haven't talk for one month and i swear i feel bad. everytime we passed each other, he only look at the other way like we don't know each other. especially mashiho, i tried to talk with him but he walk away from me. great, now the boys hates me.

i don't get it why hyunjin and jihoon are enemies. i'm curious but i don't wanna ask them. it can be a sensitive topic, so let's just not.

while thinking of this, i didn't realise that mashiho is actually staring at me from my peripheral vision. i turned to look at him. once our eyes are connected, he looked away immediately. he's just two seats away from me.

since the teachers are busy with their meetings, we have free time. so i stood up and walk to him. i'm on my knees and put my arms on his table.

"mashi~" i sang while staring at him with puppy eyes. but he only looked at the front with gloomy expression.

"mashi don't ignore me, or i will hate you," i said and pouted. he's still ignoring me like i'm not here.

i sighed. "look, if its about that time then i'm really sorry," i bit my lower lip while staring at him.

"it's not just about that time," he said with his serious tone.

thank god now we finally talk!

"oh—uhm what is it?," i asked.

"stop being with them please. i can't stand seeing you laughing and having fun with them. i - i just hate seeing it," he leaned back and turned his head to me. staring at me with sadness.

he hates seeing us together? is mashiho actually jealous? if i recall last month, i remember he pulled my hand and hyunjin's hand away and bring me with him.

"m - mashi are you perhaps, jealous?" i asked without any hesitation.

"uhh i -" the school's bell rung, signalling us for another class.

mashiho immediately packed his things and exited the class.

"mashiho wait!" i grabbed my thing and ran to him.

he started to walk faster as i ran after him. he stopped in front of his locker without looking at me. i stopped beside him while panting. "y - you're not a - answering me," i said with my hands on my knees.

i stood up straight once he finishes and asked him. "you're really jealous?"

he stared at me with cold face as he suddenly grabbed my shoulder and pushed me in front of the lockers, trapping me between his arms.

i feel hot and nervous right now. where's the goofy mashiho? he leaned forward to me with his cold gaze and i looked down.

"yes, i am extremely jealous. you wanna hear some more? i like you," he leaned more closer and put his index finger in front of my lips. "now stop asking will you," it doesn't sound like a question, it's more like a demand.

he started to caressed my cheeks with his right hand whilst staring at me lovingly.

"all i can see in the crowd is you, you're so special treasure," he leaned more closer with his eyes closed and i know what he's going to do.

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