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Each word, each syllable drops from your mouth like liquid fire. Lies, says the sizzling smoke which rises from my heart as its truthful nature rejects them.
Don't burn the ones you love with the acid of your lies. Wash yourself in the purity and the cool refreshing springs of truth for those are the places love, trust, and respect are born.
Like a hurricane sent to batter and beat me, your lies rip me from the safe ground upon which I stand and demand that I feel the pain of being broken.
Be like a comforting summer day, blow like the breeze in my windswept hair ms tell me the truth.
Do you love me?
There is the truth I've longed to hear. Break my heart with truth, for it is far easier to repair than a heart broken by lies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2015 ⏰

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