In True Loves Eyes

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"I love you " is a saying but does it mean anything to you , if you are saying it to make someone happy or do you say it but you don't mean it . What is love to you ? To me love is about beginning able to drop your happiness for theirs , for beginning there when they need you and the most important is no matter how much you see that person you always have a schok run through your body ( in a good way )and your heart beats out of control.

Now what do you think of this , you never spoke to this person but you can never get them out of your head , when this person is hurt you want to know why and the weirdest thing is that ....

You sit at home planning how you going to talk to them but when you see this person all you think is "will I ever be able to be with this person .

Love is about caring about someone so much that nothing will change that not their appearance, their weight nor their gender . The last thing I have to say is what do you think love is a feeling , a fault in human nature or something that is true and deep ?


If you guys want me to talk about a sertain topic just let me know


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