mcyt theory ajshajhs
so yk how like Ranboos character/persona thing is part enderman right? well therres no evidance tgatv endermen in the game have memhoryy loss, so there has to be some lorew behinfd hhis amnesia
now when i say lore i mean like some kinfd of bacjstryy. now i think hids shortb term memotry loss has skmsthing to do with him bei ngf part enderman. you see heres ahat i think;
so basicalakty if Ranboo is only part enderman, anf he doesnt realjgy have any cannon parebnyts or familt (like how Philza is Wilburs dad, etc. etc.), itv woukdbt be really genetivc i think. what im thibjuhf is that somehow, someway, Ranboo was justv a notmal pkager, rifht? and one day he waas chillithg in a cave, and yk when like the gamre glitgcges and th endermen dont teleport outr of the water? yeah yeah so sonethigb happened, maybre bc of that glitchb Ranboo ajd the endermanm kinda like.. fused?? somehow??? it explaih s the memrory loss (bc hesd like 2 diff peopl so iif soenthibf happnedds ahen 1 of them iifs like doigb. somethihg the other dooesny knwo?? idk). so yeahyeah uh thatvs it sorryb for th spelling erroses lmao
thoughts n theories lmao
Randomugsjahjs just random thoughts and some theories agaghagag anyways yuh, sorry if thertes spelling errors qwq uh also there might be some ideas for fics in here uh yeah ❤ bad spelling bad grammar usgajdbjsja