Chapter One

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In a seat in front of a dresser, accompanied by a tall mirror on top, sat a young, red haired man. He was dressed up in a black, tight-fitted suit, combing out his fiery hair. The male glanced over towards a small jar of lighter fluid and a package full of matches on the dresser. The man stood from his seat, placing down the comb, and picked up the two items, giving himself another glance into the mirror before he left the room.

This young man was 23 year old Elias Teufel. He was off to a party at his ex's mansion. For what, you may ask? Elias had a plan, a plan of revenge on his ex for spreading private information around Berlin about him, leading up to police becoming suspicious of him for being a homosexual, which he indeed was, and his ex knew, being his boyfriend and all, but times were indeed different in 1922.

Elias exited through his front door, now on his way to the Deunhel mansion. He placed the two fire starters into his back pant pockets, inching his way closer towards the home of his ex, Hans Deunhel, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to commit. As soon as he had arrived, he quickly found an entrance as he snuck behind the mansion, climbing through an already opened window. Elias gently brushed off his suit, making sure he looked somewhat presentable, even if his main goal was to not be seen by anyone important. He found himself making his way through long, confusing, yet familiar hallways, soon arriving to the main hall where everyone was... Even Hans.

Elias made a guttural 'gulp' noise as he peeked around the corner, seeing the man who ruined his life, the sight of the large male made him nervous, as well as angered. The red haired gentleman snuck across the room, finding his way to the boiler room, where he planned to set off the fire. He snuck into the room, beginning to pour lighter fluid all over the room with what he had in his small jar. It wasn't long before one of Hans' best friends, Fritz, had seen him walk into the boiler room, and had went off to tell Hans that Elias was here, which instantly enraged the large man. Hans stomped off towards the boiler room, plotting to kill the redhead right then and there if he had a chance to. Nothing was going to ruin his party. Elias had already set off the fire, and was going to make his escape out of the boiler room, grabbing the door handle, and-

There he is. Hans Deunhel, violently grabbing right at Elias' fragile neck. "What the FUCK are you doing here!?" Hans yelled out, noticing the start of a soon to be raging fire, this caused him to give off a huge grin at the much smaller man. "You seriously tried to kill me off, huh? Elias, Elias, Elias... I thought you'd get some sort of common sense by now." His grip around Elias' neck grew stronger, causing Elias to try and pry his stronger hands off of him, his face growing red. The fire was getting even bigger behind him, it seemed as if the smoke was making Hans' mind clouded with insanity. "You know what? If you want me dead so badly, El... Why don't we go together?" Screams began to fill the room as the fire was quickly noticed as it grew ever bigger. Hans let go of Elias, pushing him into the source of the fire and locking the door. "You'll die as you lived, El. Alone and forgotten." Elias gasped for air, smoke only entering his lungs as his clothes began to burn up right before him. He could hear screams and yells of panic from behind the door. "So this is how I die huh...? I couldn't even... I couldn't even tell Fynney I..."

...And just like that, everything went black, like nothing had even happened. It seemed like all a dream.

The life (and afterlife) of one Elias TeufelWhere stories live. Discover now