Hermione x Reader

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I was currently seated at the Gryffindor table next to Hermione and Neville. My mind was all over the place, not paying any attention to what was going on around me.

I'm currently in my 4th year at Hogwarts and 14 years old. My best friend is Neville Longbottom, who has been since 1st year. I hung out with Hermoine quite a bit as well, which pulled me into being friends with Harry and Ron, too, but I was always much closer with the brown-haired girl. I've had a crush on Hermione since last year, but she probably didn't feel the same way.

The yule ball had been introduced to us around a week ago, I wasn't planning on going because I wouldn't want to go with anyone besides Hermione and that would never  happen.

All of the sudden, my thoughts were interrupted by a nudge at my shoulder coming from Neville.

"You know, I've been hearing rumors," he started, "about well...Krum wanting to ask Hermione to the Yule Ball."

I felt something in me tear and I think Neville saw it, "They're probably just rumors anyway, nothing to worry about!" He tried to help.

"Yeah, I guess," I said rather blankly. I was now in a bad mood because of the so-called rumors, and the lack of enthusiasm was definitely there.

"Oh come on, Y/N! You should ask her!" Neville said a bit loud, but still only for us to hear.

"That's not going to happen, you know that. We know that she doesn't feel the same way," I responded.

Before Neville could try to convince me otherwise, my attention was brought to Hermione who was asking how I was feeling.

"Fine, Mione," I again, said blankly. She could tell something was off and tried to get me to tell her.

"I think I'm just gonna go to the common room, I'm quite tired," I said, trying to get out of the situation.

"Okay, well I'll see you later," she quickly responded.

I got up starting walking toward the exit. Right as I was about to leave, I heard someone whisper to their friend, "There! He is asking her now!"

My eyes followed to where he was pointing and it was then I saw Krum walking right toward Hermione.

In two seconds of thinking, I decided to try and get to Hermoine first and ask her before Krum can. I starting speed walking so that attention wouldn't be brought to me, and made my way towards my crush.

Cmon. Faster, Y/N. Oh Shit.

He got to her first. I was around 10 feet away from them and was witnessing them making small conversation. I can't do this. I turned around and walked out of the Great Hall, trying to save myself from even more heartbreak. Tears were sitting in my eyes, threatening to spill as I rushed to the common room.


It's been three days since Krum asked Hermoine to the ball. I've been avoiding the conversation of her going to the Yule Ball with him, from everybody. As a result, I haven't seen Hermione as much as I usually do. I put on a fake smile as I walked into the great hall for dinner, sitting down with Hermione.

It's so obvious that you like her because your avoiding talking about it. Yeah, that makes sense.

I did as my thoughts told me too, and started the conversation, "So what dress are you wearing?" I subtly asked.

"Oh, um I- I don't know," she replied sounding surprised.

I took in a deep breath and continued, "Well, what color is Krum wearing?"

Hermione choked on the water she was trying to drink but recovered quickly, "I'm sorry Krum?" she said coughing at the end.

I was confused by her response, "well, I- um yeah? Krum" I responded confirming what I had said.

"Um I'm not going with Krum"


"Oh sorry, I thought he asked you, but nevermind," I replied calmly, not showing my true emotions.

"Well he did," she replied, "but I said no."

"Why did you say no?" I pressed, eager to know the answer.

"I-I don't know, I guess I was hoping someone else was going to ask me, but I don't think they will, so it doesn't really matter."

"Oh, um, well who did you want to ask?" I asked, stupidly having hope that she would say me.

"It's nobody, what about you?"

"Well, I don't think I'm gonna go."

"What? Why not?" she asked sounding a bit concerned.

"I just don't have enough courage to ask who I want to and I know that they won't ask me so, ya know," I responded, sounding a bit depressed.

"Well, I think you should ask them and just go for it!" I noticed a look of devastation in her eyes.

"Okay, but how?" I asked, even though she was the one I would be asking.

"Um, I would just get straight to the point like, 'Do you want to go to the ball with me?'"

"Okay, I think I'll try that!" I said, now feeling really courageous.

I'm going to ask her.

We talked with our other friends for 5-ish minutes until we all fell into silence again.

"Hey, Mione?" Deep breaths, Y/N. Deep breaths.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Do you want to go to the ball with me?"

Her eyes lit up and she almost squealed, "Really? Are you being serious?" She questioned.

"Yes, I'm being serious"

"Yes yes yes yes!" She yelled, leaping into my arms.

I sat and hugged her, smiling into her shoulder. This was going to be great. I then heard Neville applauding behind us, causing us to break apart and I gave him a quick eye-roll while Hermione was looking, but when she turned to look the other way, Neville and I both silently danced in victory.



I didn't really feel like finishing this one, like write about going to the yule ball and stuff but whatever.

If you liked it, please vote so that I know whether or not to make more!

Word Count: 1015


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