"A stupid dating app"

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"What's the worst that could happen?" exclaimed Kirishima. "It's just a dating app."

"A stupid one. I don't see the point in having relationships." said Bakugou with pure annoyance in is tone.

"Oh, come on. It can't be that bad!"

"You extras don't know a damn thing!"

Bakugou sat in the common area with the Bakusquad. They had been trying to convince him to join a dating app. He found no point in using one when he, himself, was all he needed. He didn't need anyone there to slow him down on his journey to becoming the number one hero.

"I don't need random people off the internet slowing me down," said Bakugou as he stood up. "I will be the number one hero and I don't need any distractions." He made his way to his dorm and sat on his bed.

Bakugou's POV:

Relationships. I don't need them. Not while I'm focusing on becoming number one. I never liked people and people never liked me- It was the perfect balance, really. That way, I'm not caught up with a bunch of emotions and drama while I'm trying to focus. Though, it is possible for me to get a bit lonely, it never really bothered me much.

At least, that's what I thought.

Being in a relationship seems like it could be nice sometimes. When I would go out in public and see couples, I get a bit jealous. I sometimes wish someone would hold me, kiss me, and even love me.

Oh god. I'm getting too far ahead of myself, again.

I laid down and considered the dating app. Kirishima was right. What is the worst that could happen?

I picked up my phone and called Kirishima.

"What's up, Bakubro?"

"How many times to I have to tell you not to call me that-?"

"Heh.. Is there something you needed?"

"Oh. Uhm- Y-Yeah..."

"What is it?"

"........Tell me more about this dating app..."

End of Chapter (not me dying inside )


Hey, guys-

It is, indeed I, the creator. So uhm- Idk why I'm writing this but-

Anyways- here's a few things about me :)

I'm a 14 year old angsty teenaged girl in 9th grade and I have nothing better to do with my life so here I am 💀🤚

Okay- enough about me 👁👄👁

I will try and update twice every week once this gets more clout 🕶🤏 (probably on like Sundays and Thursdays idk) so stay tuned :)

todoroki is hot btw ❤️

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