Chapter 8: Did he just say...

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(A/N) Hi guys, apologies for the delay. Here's the next chapter. I hope you're all enjoying the story. Remember to like, follow and leave feedback. Stay Safe everyone :) x

"You...loveme?" Todoroki-kun said. His words floating in the silent atmosphereof the room. The words, he wanted more than anything else, to hear.His heart was racing. He was smiling on the inside. He looked atMidoriya, who was shaking. His hands were covering his mouth, tearsflooding his eyes.

"Midoriya..."Todoroki-kun said, breaking the silence. "Is what you're sayingtrue?"

Midoriyanods. Slowly bringing his hands down. "I'm sorry!" He said.

Todoroki-kunwas taken aback. "What!?"

"I'msorry. I shouldn't have said that. I was so stupid. I didn't use mybrain. I've ruined everything!" Midoriya cries out.

"I-I..."Todoroki-kun mumbles, unable to find the words. Just watchingMidoriya break down.

"It'sfine if you hate me. I'd hate me too. I shouldn't have done that. I-Ineed to go..." Midoriya starts to briskly walk to the front door.He has to leave, he has to escape, he has to go far away from here.He gets to the door, about to reach out for the door handle, but, hecan't quite reach it. Something is tugging at his arm. He looksround, and it's Todoroki-kun, with a blank look on his face, holdingonto his arm.

"Pleaselet go of me!" Midoriya pleaded looking at the floor. He was halfexpecting Todoroki-kun to beat him up or something. He didn't want tolook at him. He closed his eyes, bracing himself for what was aboutto happen... but nothing did happen.

Todoroki-kunlooked at Midoriya. The whole situation went by so quickly. Now, theywere at his doorway, he was holding onto Midoriya's arm, and Midoriyawas staring at the floor.

Midoriyatold him that he loved him. Todoroki-kun wanted nothing more than tohear those words, he was so convinced that it was never going tohappen that when it did happen, he was in shock.

Todoroki-kunplaced his hand under Midoriya's chin and lightly pushed it up sothat Midoriya would have to look at him. Midoriya's eyes were, butwhen they slowly opened, their eyes were locked onto each other.Todoroki-kun admired his eyes. So beautiful he thought to himself.

Midoriyastill looked upset and scared. He was still expecting repercussions.

Todoroki-kunleaned over and kissed Midoriya lightly on the lips. Midoriya wasshocked. He didn't expect that, but he liked it. Todoroki-kun's lipswere so soft. The kiss was so intimate. Midoriya felt weak at theknees.

Midoriyalightly and reluctantly pulled away: "You kissed me"

"ShouldI not have done that?" He responded.

"It'snot that. I liked it. I just... wasn't expecting it."

"Midoriya...I really wanted to hear you say that, but, when you said you lovedme, I was shocked. I wasn't expecting it. I never would have thoughtthat you would love... a freak like me" Todoroki-kun admittedlooking away.

"Wait!So... are you saying...?" Midoriya asked.

"Ilove you too, Midoriya!" Todoroki-kun admitted.

Midoriya'seyes started to well up again. He couldn't believe it. He couldn'tbelieve that Todoroki-kun was saying that. Midoriya was smilinguncontrollably.

Isthis...what happiness feels like?

I Never Thought He Would Love Me! (Midoriya x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now