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Ochako Uraraka look from side to side as she eyed the rather large school in front of her, towering over her to say the least. A new school, a new life, a new persona (maybe). She wasn't one to usually be moving, she preferred to stay in one place, but her parents had found a new job that was paying them better. 

So who was she to object? If this was the price for getting a better life, for her parents to get more money so that they could support her, then she'd take it any day.

Besides, the new school she'd be going to was known to be one of the bests. United Akademi High, also known as U.A. High, was an amazing school known for spitting out students who would run multi-billion businesses, go own designer buildings or have things they they once used to own in actual museums.

One key factor was, they had something to their name, whther it was a small business or a good million dollars, they had something. It wasn't like she had nothing to her name, but it wasn't much compared to everyone else.

She only had three berries and maybe- just maybe a few hundred dollars to her name, not much as anyone could see, but it didn't bother her too much. But as she walked into the school, through the cherry blossom trees and nicely paved stone path, she knew she'd be leaving with more to her name once she finished this school.

Walking into the school, confidence in her name, she bumped into someone and started to fell towards the stone floor. 'Great! What a great way to start the day! I'll be known as a laughing stalk.' She thought quickly as she braced herself for fall damage and an already ruined social status even more ruined.

But before she could go face first to damage, she felt arms pull around her petite frame, pulling her up from falling to the ground. Not feeling any face damage, she opened her eyes and was met with two different eye colors, heterochromia to iridium to be exact. He had a scar on his left eye that was

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice cold and stiff, stern to a point, but soft and had a hint of caring. "Y-yeah, I am!" Uraraka stuttered out as she couldn't fight the undeniable blush on her face as she looked at the half red half white haired boy.

"Well, if you are. Then I should go to class. Goodbye." He said as he waved her goodbye. "Oh my, not in my mind. But ideal." She mumbled out as she walked past, blush less evident on her face as she saw many people in their friend groups.

Wondering if she could get to know the boy better, she went to her locker and changed from her outdoor shoes to school shoes. She was happy she got a tour of the school a week before, she knew she wouldn't get lost now. But as she eyed the posters of clubs she couldn't help but eye them.

The variety showed. From science, music and theater to cooking, building and martial arts club. The variety was there, if she had to guess, any club wanted would be seen. "Hmm, which should I join." She mumbled out as she eyed the clubs.

Each one looked amazing to say the least, and each one was unique. Sighing and deciding to pick a club later so she could properly meet all the club leaders, she walked past the multiple posters, hoping to see the school with people in it and actually making friends in this school.

That was until she passed by a poster with someones silhouette. 'Journalism for all, get your knowledge by contacting this number: xxx-xxx-xxxx'. Sighing at the way the poster was, she ignored it, deciding it wasn't as important. 

She brought her attention back to the other people who were talking. Multiple people. A girl with pink hair in strands, yellow goggles and yellow eyes was busy on a device, running through the halls as a boy with blue hair and glasses followed behind her, telling her to stop.

A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes was busy laughing as a girl with blonde hair in twin buns and cat eyes sighed at him. A ginger haired girl was talking to a black haired girl who definitely had big busts. Both of them did actually.

Uraraka looked around, not feeling as she belonged here. She kept looking at any way she could make a friend, but none were in sight per say. Everyone was in their friend group, and she certainly wouldn't feel normal if a random person went up to them and asked to be friends.

Sighing she went up the stairs to the roof, the view would certainly make up for time. As she walked up the stairs she saw many people doing their own thing. She could hear the cheer voices of the gaming club as they fought another boss, and the explosions coming from the mechanic/science room. Not to mention the grunts of pain from the martial arts club with the supposed leader yelling at them.

Sighing as this went by, she walked up the stairs. Smiling as she got to the rooftop she smiled as she saw a few people walking around, others talking or doing their own thing. It was beautiful school yes, lonely as of now since she was new but beautiful nonetheless.

Walking around she saw a green haired girl playing some video game on her phone, really into it as the boy next to her -- who wore all black -- kept smirking as she did something wrong. After a few more minutes of looking around, few students coming and leaving, the bell had decided to ring. Signaling the students that it was time for class.

Walking down, she was a bite saddened on not finding out what the guy's name was, or who he was for the matter. She could only seem to hope as to have him in her class, or homeroom, so she could talk to him and maybe, hopefully, get his number.

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