Snowflake kiss

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It was your first day in the Nordic country Norway.
You decided to travel here for a few days so you could change the scene for a while.
Your travel choice was white good.The scenery in front of you was like a fairy tail.
Everything was full of snow that sparkled in the sunlight.You stood there in awe and walked threw the streets to find the address of your hotel.
The reception lady told you that it was close to old vintage shops that she recommend you.
After a few minutes of walking, a soft cool breeze was blowing threw your hair.
You noticed a variety of shops and the people of that shops were very friendly.Every time you went in to another shop everyone greeted you friendy and cheerfully.
The reception lady was right about these shop.They all had some kind of...magic.

You continued to walk threw the shopping area when you saw a bridge that was across a river.
Out of curiosness you were about to go to that direction when suddenly someone grabs your arm.
,,Wait young lady.If I were you I wouldn't go over that bridge!", a man who was working at a small coffee shop that you were passing by, warned you.He had blonde hair and emerald green eyes.And his eyebrows were bushy.
>>Wait, bushy?!<< you asked yourself but shook this thought off.That was kinda rude of you.
,,Why?", you asked bewildered.
Not that it's cursed or something.

,,I only know what other people told me.", he starts.
,,It was a few years ago...It was a sunny day.Across this river lived a young men with his wife.She had sparkling eyes, they were blue like the sky in summer and her hair was so golden that it shines brighter than the sun itself.He and his wife were living a wonderful life.They even had a little shop were they were selling flowers and fodder for the wild animals in the woods.It was called 'Solestråler'.",He stopped for a while.
,,What does Solestråler mean?", you asked curious.
,,It does mean Sunshine.", he answered.
,,Ah I see.Because of his wife he called that shop after her...", you said.
,,Right.", the man was about to continue.
,,But then the sunny days changed.He was leaving this country and sailed across the sea to get some ingredients.What he hadn't know was that the people of the town were getting a grudge against him and his wife because they were using magic."
>>Do these people here believe really that much into occult things?<< you questioned yourself.
At this point you couldn't believe him anymore about this story.
>>Yep sure and next thing is that there appears a green witch and turns everyone into a frog.Serious?<< you asked yourself, not believing a thing anymore the men told you.

,,Are you sure about this Sir?Nowadays everyone knows that something like magic doesn't truly exist.", you said sheepishly and a bit sad.
It wasn't all true that you didn't believe in magic, you were just not quite sure about if it really does exist.

,,But I am telling the truth.", the man smiled softly.
,,When you're listening to the end you will see maybe.", he replied.
,,A-ah I'm sorry for being so rude.I'm (y/n) by the way.", you smiled and offered your hand.
,,Ah yeah.I'm being rude my self.My name is Arthur.", he shook your hand casually.

,,So, shall I continue with the story?", he asked you.
As an answer you just nodded silently.

,,The people of the town were growing a grudge against the pair because they thought that they were cursed and tried to kill them.What the hadn't knew was that they already got a newborn.To get rid of these cursed pair they asked a Fairy to kill them."

,,Wait, Arthur I don't want to he rude but that doesn't make any sense.Why do they hate magic if they trie to defeat it with magic?", you asked confused.Something about this story doesn't seem right.

Arthur paused for a moment.
,,They saw her making fire with bare hands and water that was flowing out her hands...They thought she was a cursed witch and at that time they killed everything that seems dangerous."
,,But that's not fair!They didn't knew that she was really bad.What gives them the right to decide above life and dead?!", you muttered angrily.

Snowflake Kiss (Norway x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now