[ 𝟬𝟬𝟴 ] selfish desire

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tw confrontational talks, almost mental breakdown, mentions of (past) bullying and being evil

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tw confrontational talks, almost mental breakdown, mentions of (past) bullying and being evil

🍯 ⌜  작은 한이  ⌟  ┈─❟

She had grown accustomed to playing the bad guy in other people's lives.

That was why she was so adept at what she did, that and the fact that most people who came into her life ended up hating her in some way. Was it her personality? The way she carried herself? Or was it jealousy? She would never know.

It didn't matter anyway since no one wanted to be associated with a villain like her anyways, and as long as they left when told and stayed out of her personal business, then she'd never care enough to find out.

That's just the sort of person she is, and the kind of person she is comfortable being. However, there will come a time when you must form your own social circle.

A time when your name isn't enough to keep your ass alive, and if you don't get some new clothes soon you're going to look homeless before too long, and if you want to have any semblance of friends or even family, there's gotta come a time when you're forced to change yourself completely.

And it's only then do you realize just how fucked your entire life truly is that it doesn't matter what else you've done because nothing will ever erase the fact that you are nothing but a monster.

Well, that was the story of her life anyway.


Hanmi didn't expect her ex-friends to suddenly appear in her living room after her melancholic shower. She didn't even expect them to have the guts on entering her house since she was pretty cold to them.

(Maybe she forgot how persistent Eunhyeong and Chunyoung were when it comes to her).

Her hands drop to her sides, and she asks, "Why are you guys here?" The astonishment causes her to almost let go of the towel in her grasp.

Ju-In leaps to his feet as soon as he notices her stunned expression and places her hands in between them while grinning innocently. "Ah Hyoni, are you done with your bath?"

Hanmi attempts to pull her arm away from him while narrowing her eyes at him. She tries to pull her hands back, but he had a firm hold on them. "Uh yes, I guess," A tug again. "Ju-In, will you please let go of my hand?" She asks, feigning a smile, but inside she knew better. Ju-In seemed to sense it as he tilted his head up, his smile still ever so visible. It had sent warning bells inside her head and butterflies in her stomach in a bad way.

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