|1| Switching Schools

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   Lately, Karuta has been really stressed since he knew that he'd be switching schools. 'Why?' He'd think to himself. 'I mean, I've already made friends in this school, and now I'm going to leave it?' The upcoming week has been making him anxious, and finally the day where he'd switch schools was here. "Karuta sweetie, can you help pack your things and put them in the truck?" his Mom exclaimed to him from downstairs. "O-Okay, one second!" he shouted back.

   As he walks downstairs, he feels his heartbeat increase rapidly, 'I just can't believe it's finally happening..' he thought to himself. He brings some stuff up and down, just like she asked.

~Time skip to when he's finished~

   They were in their car, they had just finished packing and they were starting to move their stuff into their new home. 'This area seems nice, I guess.' He thought to no one. 'Well, I might as well use this weekend to the best of my ability..' For the next day and a half he spent time decorating his room, buying some new clothes and backpack for school, and practicing his first impression. 'Okay..' he says in front of the mirror to himself, "Hi! M-My na- ugh.." Karuta didn't stutter a lot compared to people that did, but he still had a slight problem with it.

~Another time skip of Karuta practicing his introduction~

   "Today's the day! Oh my little baby is growing up so fast.." Karuta's mother fake sobbed. 'Yeah.. today is the day, isn't it?' Karuta was still anxious, even though he had practiced his introduction so many times, he still felt like he was gonna mess up somehow. His mom tells him to eat breakfast and when he was done she'd drive him to school. Karuta looks at the eggs on his plate, and picks at it. His mom, however, noticed him doing this, and said, "Hey, if you don't want to eat right now, I can give you a snack so that you don't eat your lunch early." Karuta turns his head at her and gives a slight smile. "Thanks, m-mom." Karuta says, he tries to stay quiet and keep his sentences short, again, because of his slight stutter.

   The whole drive to school made him sick to his stomach, he's been so anxious about this, how would he possibly survive the day? He glances at the front gates and sighs. He walks into the school building, looking around he sees a blue haired boy, he turns his head and the boy looks back. "Hey! What's your name?" he asks, "H-huh.. me?" Karuta replies. "Well duhh, who else would I be talking to?" the blue haired one says harshly. "Oh, I-I'm Karuta." he says quietly. "Cool I'm Rokuro, but why are you so quiet?" Rokuro says. "No reason.." Karuta says. There was a second of silence, and then "Well whatever, you seem lost, you DO know where you're going right?" Rokuro says out of the blue. "Oh um, n-no.. I k-know that I'm in Mr. Y-Yoinara's class, but I d-don't know where it i-is.." Karuta said to him. "Oh we're in the same class? Epic, alright, let's go over there."

   As they walked down the halls, Karuta saw many students from other classes and his class, though it's not like he knew which was which. He caught one green-haired boy staring at him for a second, or maybe he was just imagining it. Karuta felt his anxiety skyrocketing, this was too much for him, but he would have to deal with it for the rest of the school-year. "Heyyyy, hellooo?" Rokuro waved his hand in front of Karuta's face. "Huh-" Karuta said before getting cut off, "We're here Karuta, we still have about 7 minutes before class, so unless you want to be boring and wait here, I'll be off with my friends, feel free to come with if you want." Rokuro said before walking away. "Wh-" was all Karuta could say before Rokuro was gone.

    'Oh no.. Oh no no no no no..' was all Karuta could think. 'I seriously don't like this.. why am I so anxious, I could be so much better, but look at me I'm just a fai-' "Hey!" someone said to him. "Ah!" he squeaked. "Are you new here?" a silver-haired girl with glasses said to him. "Wha- Oh y-yeah I am.." he replied. "Oh, cool! This is so excitinggg.. anyways, my name's Sesena!" she says. "Oh, I-I'm K-Karuta." he told her. "Cool! Was that Rokuro that lead you over here?" she questioned him. 'Stop feeling anxious and answer the damn question..' "Yeah, u-um why?" he told her. 'WHY ARE YOU ASKING HER WHY SHE'S BEEN HERE LONGER THAN-' "Oh, he's a bit of a trouble-maker, just wanted to let you know haha!" she replied. 'Why did she laugh at the end.. she's laughing at me isn't she-' "O-Oh.. ok t-thank you." he cut himself off from those thoughts.

-Ding Ding-

   'The bell..' he thought to himself. For whatever reason, he felt that his day was going to get even worse.

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