Life As Jordan Lynde's Twin

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“No, no, no, no! I do not have another sister, you’re lying!,” yelled Jordan at birth mother. I was sitting on the coach looking back and forth at them like it was a tennis match.

“Do not use that tone with me young lady! I am your mother and you shall treat me as such!” Mrs. Lynde is a fairly small woman but she took up the whole room with her loud voice. “Ariana is your sister and if you say she’s not your... your grounded!”

Jordan’s dark blue eyes teared up a bit. “Am I really your daughter? Maybe you swapped... that thing, for me!”

“Jordan Lynde!” Mrs. Lynde’s voice boomed. “How could you say such a thing?! You know what, you’re grounded! You’ll be lucky if you ever see daylight again.”

My sister pounded her fist on the dining table, causing apples to fall out of the bowl. “Ugh! I -- I..! UGH!” Jordan took two steps at a time as she marched upstairs.

After she left, there was an awkward silence as Mrs. Lynde stared hard at the spot where her daughter just stood. My stomach always had bad timing and it growled loudly indicating it was hungry. My birth mother turned to me blinking away tears. She slowly smiled.

“Oh sorry Ariana, sweetie. You must be so hungry. Let me make you something to eat.”

I stood, stretching my legs and followed her to the kitchen. Max, my new little brother, was sitting on the counter, swinging his feet back and forth while chewing slowly on an apple. His mother picked him up and placed him on the ground and he pouted.

He crossed his small arms. “Its not fair. Jordan got to make a big deal over having a new sister and I couldn’t.” He turned to me. “Don’t worry, I like you though. You have my seal of approval.”

I grinned at Max. “You’re such a cutie.”

He stuck his chin in the air. “I’m not cute, I’m hot.”

I started to laugh so hard that my stomach hurt, while Mrs. Lynde rolled her eyes and muttered,” Oh, Maxie.”

It’s surprising how the three of us get along so easily. I’ve met my birth mother before, a few weeks a go. I know it’s confusing so I will explain.

My adoptive mother was fifty six when she adopted me and I was two months old. She was pretty wealthy and gave me whatever I desired. I knew I was adopted but I never went to search for who my birth mother was like in the movies, I was actually pretty happy with my life with Dr. Coleman. Two months ago, we found out my adoptive mother had cancer. She realised she was getting old and might die soon and I would need someone to look after me. So... she went to the orphanage I was from and asked for information about my real mother. There wasn’t much information but my mum finally figured it out. It was very strange and the kind of story you hear on the news but Dr. Coleman talked to my mum about taking me back after she passed away. My birth mother told us how I was lost.

Mrs. Lynde found out she was having twins and panicked. She didn’t know how to take care of one child much less two. After she gave birth and they took her daughters away, the doctor came back and told her she only had one daughter but my real mother could’ve sworn she had twins. The doctor said she was sorry but there is only one daughter. So I was sent to an orphanage and the rest is unknown. No one knows who took me, or stole me for that matter, and why. When Dr. Coleman adopted me in America she flew to England because of a job offer and named me Ariana after her dead sister. We lived in England for my whole life -- except for those two months -- and a few days after my sixteenth birthday, we flew to Massachusetts to see my birth mother. Then my adoptive mother died. She wrote me a letter leaving all her money and every single item she owned to me and also asked for no formal funeral. I know, its a bit confusing.

So here I am in gloomy Massachusetts with my new family. I’m actually pretty excited to start out a new life here in Massachusetts but my twin already hates me so I’m not so sure life with be very... Whats the word? Easy... Nah. I’ll get back to you on that one.

My new mother put down a plate in front of me, snapping me out of my reverie. I thanked her and started to nibble on the peanut butter covered apples.

“Where do you want to go for diner? We have to celebrate your arrival.” Mrs. Lynde smiled at me. “A new Shogun restaurant just opened ten minutes away. Do you like sushi?”

“Um, I never tried it before but I want to. We should go,” I said.

My mom grinned wider. “Then its settled. We’re going out tonight.”

I continued to nibble on my apples then suddenly I heard Jordan stomp down the stairs. Her head popped into the kitchen. I still surprised me how much we looked alike. Haha, I just realized how dumb that sounded. We’re twins.

“She’s still here?” my twin glared at me.

Before Mrs. Lynde could scold Jordan, I spoke to her for the first time. “Lets start over. We’re family after all.”

“You’re not my sister!”


Lol, sorry it’s really, really short. This is my first story... I read Jordan Lynde’s stories on Wattpad plenty of times before but never made an account or wrote a story. I hope you like and vote and comment. I’m sorry if I made Jordan sound evil.. lol I just realized that. XD Anyway, comment, vote, fan and do whatever else you gotta do. (: <3

-Kami (Without Britt :[ Shes to lazy)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2011 ⏰

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