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Rosie opened her eyes, she was laying on the grass and she could see a few animals like cows and sheeps and some trees in the distance. As she was trying to sit up she noticed a figure also laying on the grass a few meters away.

the figure sat up and looked around, her eyes meeting he's blue shiny eyes.

Rosie tried to say something, probably to ask who he was but nothing came out of her mouth, her head hurt as if someone smashed 3938)3@2'dn bricks against her head, so she laid back down.

"what. the. fuck." the boy says, a pinch of worry can be heard in his voice.

"nice to meet u too" Rosie blurts out.

"where the fuck am i" the boy looks around, he looked more annoyed than worried now.

"since youre with me, it means youre in heaven" she says smoothly.

"who tge fuck are you" he says.

"Rosie" she says confidently and does the thingy were you pretent you have a beard and ure brushing it.

"that is such a basic name" he says, looking around.

"huh, i bet ur name is like James or some shit" Rosie says, expecting to get it wrong.

"it is" James says as he stands up and walks over to a sheep.

"BAHAHHSKSLEMDKSPEMMS" she says as she stands up, or at least tries to, and walks over to James.

"so what is this like minecraft or something" he asks as the same time he starts stroking the sheep's fluffy fur.

"idk probs" and with that Rosie headed off and walked over to the nearest tree and started at it.

"am I supposed to punch this" Rosie hesitates for a few seconds before puncing the tree with full force.

it started forming cracks and her hands didnt hurt at all so she kept going until a piece of log dropped, leaving the other half of the tree floating.

"i guess this is minecraft then"

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