Her last chance

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Katherine Daniels saw him looking at her through one of those 'sideways' glances. Her heart skipped a beat nearly every time he had done it. She couldn't bring herself to acknowledge the flirtation between them. She could only turn beet red at the thought of it. Kelsey Martin was the Editor in Chief of High Fashion Magazine, and he certainly knew how to get women to fawn over him. Only she didn't want to be just any other woman.

The Boardroom for High Fashion Magazine was full. She, being the advice columnist for the magazine, was expected to turn in her latest column. Her friend, Lacy, the cosmetologist, Janice Wheeler, print production, and Kelsey, the Editor in Chief, sat in the room planning the next month's layout.

"Hey, Kat, I need your column on my desk right away. I know this isn't the New York Times...but...we still sign your checks," Janice said smirking.

Kelsey cleared his throat as Katherine began to speak. "I have the specs ready for you now." She shifted through a few papers then pulled out the ones she wanted and handed them across the table. Janice was in charge of large print production and ran a tight ship. She wanted the articlesarticles on her desk at least five hours sooner than the deadline; supposedly in case of 'magazine emergencies'. Everyone thought it was because she was anal retentive with a side of bitchiness. High Fashion was indeed not the New York Times. The Times was a more than reputable journalism position, one that she has strived to obtain since college. It was serious...Unlike, High Fashion...lipstick and shoes. She wanted to give real advice. Advice that went further than 'How to entice your man in bed' or 'What to do on that special date?'

Janice took the papers and placed them on the pile in front of her. "Thank you, now onto other business. I need to have production up at least twenty-five percent this quarter. Kelsey, get on your columnist. We need more spice, pizzazz. We need something hot like Angelina Jolie or Prada. I want the Halloween cover to be scary but posh. I want the key demographics buying this magazine tenfold over Glamour and Cosmo."

"What do you suggest I do, Janice, hire a new crew? We have the October issue already finished. Not spicy enough?"

"Please, Kelsey. I get spicier things out of my nightly glass of Vodka. See me in my office for your next assignment."

Kelsey nodded his head in agreement, as Janice stood up. "Ok, folks...let's get to this.up. "Ok, folks...let's get to this. And, if I may add... this magazine is called, "High Fashion", please don't embarrass us here by wearing the latest garage sale items. Shareholders stop in here every day. They take notice to what you're wearing," she said nastily, looking directly at Katherine. The others in the room glanced around. Kelsey looked down at his suit and shrugged his shoulders, Lacy glared at Janice as she stole a glance at Katherine, noticing her blue sweater. Katherine looked embarrassed.

"This is cashmere, Janice," she said quietly.

"And it's very nice, dear, but you're a professional. Start dressing like one." Embarrassed, Katherine walked out of the room straight to her cubicle.


Katherine, red faced with humiliation, buried herself into her work once again. She hated working for her. She was nothing but a spoiled rich bitch. Janice Wheeler had it out for her ever since she published her first article for the New York Times. Rumor has it, Janice tried to freelance for a few other high profile papers and magazines, but her articles didn't cut it. Her articles were turned down before they even hit the drawing room. It's not that Katherine was special. Freelancers were a dime a dozen. She didn't know why she was the target for Janice's hatred. All that she could think of is the newest article that she wrote and hoped that the Times would pick it up.

Katherine leaned over, picked up her purse, and grabbed her compact. She looked into the mirror noting her appearance. Her brown hair fell slightly under her shoulders in curls. Her green eyes looked good outlined with the black charcoal pencil she used before she left her apartment. The lipstick that she wore was still on, making her lips look nice and full. She checked her teeth to make sure nothing was in there. Seeing no evidence of the bagel with cream cheese, she shrugged, then looked down at her sweater. There was nothing wrong with the way she dressed. Just last month the sweater that she wore was worn by Arianne Zucker, an actress on 'Days of our lives.' Only she bought the more cost worthy of the two at Macy's. Shaking her head out of frustration, she closed the compact and placed it back in her purse. There was no reason for her to be embarrassed. She knew what jealousy did firsthand, and she wasn't going to fuel the fire anymore by paying heed to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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