The second wave

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The Viking line was in disarray. Most of the high ranks were dead in the futile charge against the shield wall or shot out of the sky by the admissions who were surprisingly good archers

The line had been pushed back to near the center of the woods where they set up a base to treat their wounded and figure out a plan of attack. The remaining chieftains entered a tent with a map on it. There were figures of blue and red. Red for them and blue for their enemy. They were discussing what they should do when a figure stepped in

Retro, a baron in the Viking hierarchy stepped into the war room and looked at the map. He stepped towards it and scanned it over, grabbing a few pieces and moving them to the side. He pushed up the rest of them and moved the others farther to the side, before slamming them into the blue pieces. He looked at the rest of the Chieftains and nodded. They nodded back. A plan was set into motion

At night, the forces of Bricklandia were exhausted. They had stayed awake all night, dumping bodies out of the castle and picking up gore. They also tried to repair the walls, execute the traitors and a lot more. A guardian by the name of Ethan counted heads, adding up all of the combat able forces they had. 75 Knights, 30 Admissions and 300 citizens. They had 40 Commanders, 10 Guardians and that was it. So they had 460 men able to fight and die for Bricklandia. He looked to his superior, a high Marshal by the name of Rock before asking

"Sir, do I have permission to take over this over this defense? It would be great training."

He said, curiously. The high Marshal looked at Ethan before simply nodding. He then walked off, going to help with the repairs of Raider gliders that they can use in the defense of Bricklandia. I mean, he was going to do that before the alarms sounded


A Commander by the name of Ayc screamed out. And just like that, all hell broke lose. Vikings flooded their fort at the treeline, hacking at the walls with swords and battle axes. The ten commanders stationed there desperately defended, shooting bows, dropping bombs and even dropping swords on them. But alas it was no use

The Vikings broke inside, flooding in line a tsunami upon a city's streets. The now 7 Commanders took up defensive positions as they retreated, fending off Viking after Viking. Pluto, a Commander at the time, watched as one of her close friends was stabbed through the throat, and thus killed. She had no time to mourn though. Only time to flee. She grabbed a battle axe off the corpse of a Viking and swung it, cleaving 5 advancing Vikings in half. She then shouted out in a panicked tone, dropping the axe


And just like that, the Commanders broke their formation and ran for the walls. The Vikings weren't too far behind them either, clambering over each other to get to them faster. They were quickly making ground, being stopped by the sacrifice of one of Pluto's closer friends. Bricklandian. Named after the great state he was born in, he was destined for greatness. And I suppose this is the greatnesses was destined for. He stopped and turned around, cutting into the Vikings and stopping their advance in its tracks. He cut through drove upon drove of Viking, occasionally getting injured, but it was never anything major

That is until Retro made it to him. He swung his great axe, forcing Brick to block it with his sword, snapping it in half. Now, Retro was a cunning Baron. He knew when there was an asset in front of him, and Brick was an asset. He slammed his fist into Bricks face, knocking the Commander out cold. He picked the limp body up before running back towards the captured fort to turn him to the evils side

Meanwhile, the Commanders had made it to the wall and were being helped over by some Knights and Citizens. When the last Commander made it over, they thought it to be over. That could easily defend from the walls thanks to their new experience, having put three Knights and three Citizens on each part of the wall, with a militia of Citizens and Admissions waiting inside to relive the wall forces in case things went array

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