Looking like a lunatic

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We went back to the hotel and they told me to go change into athletic clothes. Oh boy this is gonna be fun. I changed into my white and purple tie-die sports bra, black nike t-shirt, my slider/ compression shorts, and black soccer shorts. I grabbed a softball and my glove, and put them into my bag along with a water bottle and some fruit snacks and granola bars.

Instead of going to a park we went to a sports complex which was very cool.

"Come on Molly lets play some football." Louis said back to me since I was walking behind the boys.

"Kay." I said not really caring.

"You can say no if you don't want too. You know?" Niall said slowing down and falling into step with me.

"No it's fine, but I call goalie." I said to him with a smile.

"Well, your gonna have to fight me for that position, love." Louis said.

"Do you wanna know what I don't really care. Louis you may be goalie... For a while at least." I said smirking.

"Why are you letting in so easily?" Louis asked probably worried I was up to no good. Which is true, possibly.

"Im going to head over to the softball field for a bit." I said as I turned to go towards the diamond.

"I'll come with you." Niall said.

"Aww thanks Ni, but I kind wanted to be alone so I could concentrate." I said, half lying. I mean I really did want Niall to see me do what I loved, but I can't concentrate with people around me. Also I just wanted time to think and to soak in all that's happened in these last few days.

"Oh okay." Niall said facing the ground.

Aww, look I made him sad, good going. I just lost all my chances with him, because now he's gonna think I don't like him. No, no, no I can't like him I... I need to concentrate on softball and snowboarding, but right now softball. Anyways why would a guy as famous as him like you. I mean there's nothing really special about you. Sure I play sports,and have mostly a's, but I'm not super pretty. Nothing special, just an average small town girl. Whatever just stop thinking about it. That's what I though to myself as I pulled on my long socks, slider, and cleats.

Niall POV

"Oh, okay." I said, my shoes had become extremely intriguing all of a sudden. She turned to go to her field, when I thought I heard her say something. My mind must be playing tricks on me. I let out a sigh, and then Liam fell back into step with me. Oh crap, he heard that. How am I supposed to explain any of this to him, I was gonna tell him this morning but then she was on the balcony. So yeah that didn't work out.

"So what's up?" Liam asked concerned.

"Nothing." I said too quickly to have though about it.

"Niall." Liam said,"you fancy her don't you, mate?"

"Yeah, no, I'm not sure." I told him,"she's going over to the softball field and I said I'd come with her, but she said she wanted to be alone. So I don't think she likes me."

"Come on Niall how don't you see it. You two are pretty much the same person. You both eat a lot and laugh at everything, and she's always smiling when she's with you." Liam said to me.

"You think so?" I asked him.

"Positive." He answered, " now lets play some football."

We were all taking shots on Louis, who was blocking just about everything. I did get one past him though, which was great. We took a break for a bit and just took turns seeing who could juggle the ball the longest.

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