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Fen was breathless, grabbing onto his side as if he was in pain from running so much, but I could concur.

It had taken us a really long time to find the boys, but we eventually did. Toronto and Dubai were together outside of a club. They had seen Caylen dragged into the apartments across the street by some tall dark-haired man.

I collapsed against the wall, burying my face between my knees. It was freezing cold but the heat from moving around so much made me feel light-headed as I tried to catch my breath. The weight of another body suddenly crashed against my side and I knew without looking it was Fenry. I pulled his head to my chest and held him there as Toronto and Dubai came to sit beside us.

"Now what?"

It came as no surprise when Fenry suddenly grew heavy, signaling his lost of consciousness as his breathing slowly became normal again.

This was no ideal situation for anyone, and we had nowhere left to run to. Caylen still hasn't made his way here yet, and Fen passed out.

My stomach churned at the thoughts of what could have happened to any one of us. We couldn't live like this anymore.

"Are you boys okay?" All three of our heads whipped around at the sound of a man's voice calling out to us.


"What y'all doing dressed like that in this type-a weather? You'll end up sick." I heard the man say again before I peeked my head around the corner I was sitting in.

The man started walking this way and I saw Toronto take a cautious step back. "Wake Fen, we need to go now!" He spoke in a harsh whisper.

I tried to look at what was bothering him so much until something shiny caught my eye. I squinted and could barely make out the glint of metal in one of the man's hands, poorly hidden by his oversized coat.

I gulped as I shook Fen's head, easing my hand to cover his mouth instead of playing in his hair. He made a quiet whining sound before he turned his head to look up at me, his lips forming a pout.

"Fen, be quiet please..." I quietly urged him and he became visibly more coherent at my tone.

I heard a soft shift and noticed Toronto taking another step back. "He has a fucking gun, you need to leave, we'll run somewhere else but please get the hell out of here." He shooed us with the tips of his fingers, using the brick wall as coverage.

That was our sign to get up. Fenry was wobbly on his legs and almost fell again had I not caught him. "Shh, come on!" I whispered and grabbed his hands, taking careful steps out of the alleyway.

"Look what we got 'ere! Some fresh lookin' ones too," another voice joined the first one.

Toronto glanced at us out of the corner of his eye and I saw Dubai clench his hand around something on his hip. They eased back another step and Toronto pivoted his foot in our direction.

"Don't be scared now, we just wanna have some fun too," the voice grew louder in volume as footfall started echoing down the street.

I heard a click and that's when we all took off running again. A gun fired off causing a scream ringing out from somewhere, the rain not doing much to drown out the noise.

"Remy, I can't run," Fenry panted and I glanced at him behind me to see his face pale, his eyes squeezed shut and I was dragging him more than anything. I looked past him to see Toronto and Dubai duck in another alley, shouts and running heard from the direction we just came from.

I intertwined my fingers with Fenry's and huffed, "It's okay Fen," I panted, growing worried at his fading complexion. He looked so sick and completely drained of energy, he was shuddering and his lips were turning shades. "Just hold on to me, we have to find somewhere safe, okay?"

He was getting harder to pull and his movements grew sloppier while I tried to talk to him and keep his consciousness. "Fen? Answer me," I pleaded and he let out a sob as tears started trailing his face.

We'd gotten a small ways away from all the commotion when we rounded a corner, about to run to a nearby shop when we suddenly collided into something.

Both Fen and I fell back and I groaned at the impact of my back and hip hitting the pavement.

"I'm so sorry, are you oka-," I looked up to see two tall men dressed in expensive clothing standing over me and gulped.

"I'm fine, but are you okay?" The taller man with black hair asked, his face twisted in concern. "I think your friend needs hel-"

"NO!" I panicked and shook Fen's looking over to him only to find him passed out again, his skin overly warm and clammy and I suddenly didn't know what to do anymore. "Fen! Wake up, we have to leave," I begged to seemingly no one.

"Get the car, he needs a hospital," the man told his partner and I immediately stood up and brushed the dirt from my pants.

"W-we're okay, just let me get him home and-and you can just keep going. We'll be fine," I tried to reason but the men frowned at me.

"I'll be right back," the shorter man nodded his head at the taller before turning to run back the way they came.

"Wait! Please, he can't go to a hospital. Just let me take him somewhere and we'll be fi-,"

"Hey," the man's voice was laced with authority causing me to freeze in my spot, a lump forming in my throat. "He needs help, okay? I'm gonna get him help, I just need you to calm down and tell me why you were running like that. You boys look sick, please just let me help you,"

I couldn't help the sudden tears that wracked my body, my knees gave out and I dropped onto them. Breathing became a chore, my vision became dotted with black. I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do...


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