That's Strange

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- How did it happen? I still can't believe how it's started, do I regret it? No of course not, I found the love of my life and I didn't know it would be one of my classmates, less it would be one of my friends either, but it's enough of this, this is the story of how I, Izumi Midoriya found love. -

Izumi: ( Man... Mr. Aizawa has been quite ruthless recently, but it's no surprise due to all the pressure we will have to face in the future when we became pro heroes )

- Class 2-A, the troublesome class of UA has been put on an extra hard schedule these past days due to recent criminal activity which meant them working their asses off so they can be prepared for everything in the near future. - 

Aizawa: Enjoy your weekend but not too much that you forget about your history exam on Monday, as always you can leave the dorms until 10 pm unless you wanna go past curfew and be punished by cleaning all of the bathrooms for two weeks.

Everyone: Yes!

Toru: I'm exhausted... these extra classes are gonna kill me if they continue to be this way...

Iida: Hagakure-San you know this is for the best of everyone you should be ashamed to think that way rather than appreciating the UA staff for their help.

Mina: Come on Iida... chill out a bit, we do deserve a break after all the hard work we have been putting in all this time.

Jiro: You talk like if you have been doing something princess nap time...

Mina: Hey! I was tired...

Sero: So tired you slept right in front of Mr. Aizawa and got yourself detention?

Mina: Well... yeah...

Kaminari: ~ Laughs ~ 

Izumi: Kaminari-Kun you shouldn't laugh since you are the last one of the class in terms of notes... ~ Sighs ~

- The electrifying blonde just stayed quiet while everyone laughed due to the blunt statement given by the freckled girl which was just casually organizing her books to get back to her room and start her afternoon training routine. - 

Katsuki: Shut up extras and start moving I wanna get the hell out of here!

Tokoyami: Getting back on the subject of the extra classes we surely have been working hard not that I complain about it...

Toru: Well I have just the perfect thing we can do to relax!

- Everyone paid attention to the invisible girl that even tho she can't be seen loves to have the attention, the girl just blocked the class exit much to Bakugo's dismay while she moved her arms frantically. - 

Toru: Let's have a picnic in the forest, the one that surrounds the school, we would be at school grounds and we could use our quirks, so Bakugo you can compete with Kirishima or something, also it's pretty spacey so Tokoyami and Todorki you guys could rest a little apart from everyone else!

Katsuki: Tch... whatever I could use some fresh air...

Tokoyami: Seems like a good idea to me...

Todoroki: I don't mind.

Momo: What a wonderful idea Toru! I can prepare tea for everyone once we are there!

Mina: Yes! We haven't had a group thing like in forever!

Uraraka: I do wish to be outside the dorms for once.

Tsuyu: A picnic? Sounds good kero.

Iida: Well we sure will be on school grounds... I believe we could be actually permitted for that... I accept the proposal!

Kirishima: Sounds totally awesome, I'm in!

Izumi: I'd love to bu... 

- Suddenly the girl was cut off by Jiro that put he earphone jack on her lips to shush her while everyone looked at her with " Come on " eyes -

Ojiro: Midoriya relax for a bit, not everything is about training...

Mina: Yeah! Girl you haven't been hanging with any of us during evenings like in forever since last year, we miss you!

Izumi: Since... last year? ( Has it really been that long? )

Katsuki: Just go, damn idiot.

- The girl sighed at the expectant look of all of her classmates and nodded slightly which brought a smile to everyone, Uraraka and Ashido hugged each of her arms and started to drag her out of the class being followed by the rest of the girls -

Izumi: H... Hey! Where are you taking me?

Uraraka: Well it is true you have spent no time whatsoever with us sooooo...

Tsuyu: We are kidnapping you from studying and working out for the rest of the weekend, not even Momo studies that much.

Mina: Yeah girl you have isolated yourself from everyone since the start of our second year!

Izumi: Well... I need to be the best if I wanna become the best hero there is...

Jiro: Yeah but one thing is working hard and the other is working your life out...

Toru: Do you think after becoming a hero you'll be able to party like in your school days?

Izumi: You... have a point there...

Momo: Well then today is our all girl's weekend, and there is nothing you can do to stop us!

Izumi: ( It's not like I'm trying to do it... I guess a rest can come in handy this time. )

- the girls spent the rest of the day chatting in Toru's room about all kinds of stuff, like clothe and movies they liked, Izumi was actually glad she was persuaded to join since she was enjoying their company a lot and was rather fun, after a couple of hours had past Mina's stomach grumbled which meant it was dinner time and all of the girls went down to the common area in the dorms -

Uraraka: So who's turn is it to make dinner?

Toru: I think it was Mina's turn this time actually.

Mina: What!? I made dinner yesterd...

Jiro: Yesterday I did dinner dummy...

Mina: Wait really?

Izumi: It's ok, I can cook.

- The girl stood up from the table and headed to the kitchen just to hear the girl whispering that it was Mina's turn and that she had to cook while she replied back that she was about to go but the freckled green-haired girl already was on her way to the kitchen, after 40 minutes or so Izumi came back with a bunch of plates and left each one for all the girls and all of them thanked her for the food to later try it and smile with a little blush on their faces due to how good the food was. -

Momo: This is exquisite Midoriya! 

Jiro: It's good.

Uraraka: You have to make dinner from now on ~ Laughs softly ~

Tsuyu: I do have to say that I can eat this forever Izumi-Chan.

Toru: Amazing! Can you be my maid from now on? Like really?

Mina: You are gonna be a great wife with this kind of dishes Midoriya.

Izumi: Co... Come on it's not that... wait... wife!?

Mine: Well... yeah... wife, you do plan of marrying right Midoriya?

Izumi: I guess so... 

Toru: Now that I think about it, Midoriya do you have a crush on someone from the class?

Izumi: Crush!? ~ Almost chokes on her food ~

Momo: I have the same question, you never seemed to share anything of your personal life.

Mina: Is it Bakugo?

Izumi: ... ew.

Toru: Then who is it?

Izumi: ( A crush? I haven't given much thought about it actually... a crush... )

Uraraka: Is it from our class? Or another class?

Izumi: Actually... I don't have a crush.

Tsuyu: Not even one kero?

Mina: Come on that is no answer... do you find any of the guys cute?

Izumi: Cute? Hm... I guess... hmm... no, I don't think so.

Jiro: So... you really don't feel attracted to anyone?

Izumi: Well it's too fast to decide on that, I haven't given enough thought to love until right now so feelings won't automatically show up right now...

Momo: Makes sense, you are gonna tell us if you do fall for someone don't you?

- The girl just nodded while she finished her food, all of the girls smiled and finished their own plates for later Mina washing them due to being the one actually in charge of cooking that day, Izumi lost her attention to her head thinking about love and stuff like that and not really finding anything important or that makes her heart beat faster so she gives up, for now, the rest of the night the girls decided to make a sleepover at Momo's room due to being the largest one out of all -

Uraraka: I'm bored...

Mina: We could watch a movie or something...

Toru: Nah we already saw everything interesting...

Izumi: We could play truth or dare. ~ says bluntly while she played with her hair ~

Mina: Now we are talking!

Momo: Do you want a bottle or we just go by turns?

Jiro: A bottle of course Yaomomo.

- After the black-haired teen grabbed a plastic bottle they sat in a circle and Toru was the first one to spin it which landed on Momo -

Momo: Truth.

Toru: You do have a crush on Todoroki right?

Momo: Y... Yes ~ Blushing but staying as elegant as ever ~

Jiro: Too easy... ~ grabs the bottle and spins it which landed on Uraraka ~

Uraraka: Truth.

Jiro: What's your dirtiest fantasy?

Uraraka: W... What!?

Mina: You have to obey the rules Ocha ~ grinning ~

Uraraka: ~ sighs ~ D... D... Deepthroat... ~ looks away while she covered her face ~

Izumi: Oh... well it's far better than I expected... ~ giggles a little to later grab the bottle which lands on Toru ~

Toru: Dare!

Izumi: ~ scratches her head ~ I'm not really the best on these things... hmm... I dare you... to dare Ashido... but... whatever you dare her you have to do it too...

Toru: Oh that's actually really creative... hmm Mina I dare you... to... hmm... kiss the prettiest girl in here.

Mina: You are kidding right? 

Toru: Do I look like I'm kidding? ~ says as she obviously knows she can't be seen ~

-The pink-skinned girl stood up and started walking to the girl she was planning to kiss to later hear someone knock at their door that being Mr. Aizawa. -

Aizawa: Light's out and whoever is still awake when I'm in rotation shall be punished.

- The girls just sighed and started to get comfy so they could sleep. Momo, Jiro, and Hagakure all slept on the same bed due to being capable of having space for the three of them, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Mina slept on an inflatable mattress while Izumi slept on a couch that she personally chose -

Momo: Goodnight.

Jiro: Night.

Toru: Nighty.

Mina: Night Night.

Uraraka: Sleep well.

Tsuyu: Have a nice rest.

Izumi: Good night girls...

- Ten minutes passed and Izumi had a thought in her mind while she shivered a little due to the air conditioning  -

Izumi: ( Who was she gonna kiss? She stopped right beside me before Mr. Aizawa appeared but she wasn't facing me... weird... it was the first time I actually saw Ashido completely blus... wait a minute. )

- The green-haired teen suddenly felt a body on top of her, due to the low visibility she had she couldn't really pinpoint who it was until she caught the scent of a familiar pink-haired girl -

Izumi: Ashido? What are yo...

Mina: You can't be the one left out Midoriya, you must be cold. ~ giggling a little ~

Izumi: Well I can't really say I wasn't but I could grab a bed sheet so don't worry about it...

Mina: Hey, Hey don't worry, I actually also wanted to sleep here, Ocha and Tsu ended taking all of the space in the mattress... ~ Hugging her nerdy friend looking for body heat ~

Izumi: I see... well then... ~ With a little difficulty due to not really wanting to touch somewhere she didn't have permission she hugged her torso but not before pulling her a little closer to her face so it was easier to do it which made her friend make a little and cute sound due to being surprised by the action ~

Mina: ( Her arms are very comfy... and she actually is very soft... but firm? She really works out... wow )

Izumi: ( She smells like strawberries... it's very fragrant, she is hugging me very tight... should I say something? Or is this what friends do? I mean... I guess so... oh man... )

- The two girls just cuddle looking for warmth in the other's body while closing their eyes being able to sleep not knowing what actually they were starting, the two of them enjoyed the company of the other and drifted off to sleep. -

End of Chapter I

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