I was surprised

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I was surprised


Chapter 1- How things start

I turned on the radio, surprisingly it was my favorite song. The jam soon had me in a trance.

I caught myself singing along.

" Don't take me tongue tided Don't kiss me goodnight..." I sang along with the radio.

Just then my phone rang, making me jump. I looked at the caller ID, it was Claire.

" Ugh.."

I picked up after the second ring.

" Hello?"

"Omigod you'll never believe this but..." she just trailed off, "and he just moved in!"

"Cool." I mumbled into the phone. She was quite pissed with my reaction, and hung up.

Jeez talk about rude. All I was saying that it was cool. That's it. Even if I wasn't listening.

I pulled into my drive and park my black poniact G6. Locked it, and walked inside.

I was so tired from school that I just wanted to plop into my purple silk sheets. I raced upstairs and into my room jumping onto my bed.

"Ugh!" I moaned.

There was a little knock on my door and my little sister walked in. Her eyes pouring with tears.

"Awe whats wrong Lillian?" I asked as I calmly ran my fingers threw her blond hair.

"J-Jade...." sniffle, " I lost my Teddybear!"

Lilly had this pink Teddybear that I got her when she was born, back when I was only in eighth grade. She went everywhere with that pink Teddybear she had named Berry, and when I say everywhere I really do mean everywhere.

"Oh I'm sure we will find it soon, dear." I smiled reassuringly.

"I wuv you Jade." She was all smiley, I couldn't help but laugh.

"I love you, too"

Lilly just ran out of my room as happy as could be. I smiled to myself. I looked at the clock, ugh, 5:15. This meant that I only had a hour to sleep until dinner, great. I love you Lilly but you kill me sometimes. I poured myself into my pillows and was sound asleep.


I yawned looked outside to find the sun rising. Omigod did I sleep through the whole night? I looked at the clock, great just great, 6:00. Only a hour and a haft to get ready for school. My parents had left me in charge of Lilly for the three days they were going to be in Vermont. I guess it wasn't so bad they had just left this morning.

I practically ran to the bathroom and turned the hot water on and hoped right in.

Just as I turned of the water someone was knocking on the front door. I quickly changed into some jeans and a cute flower blouse. I ran downstairs to answer the door.

"Umm.. Hi?" I said opening the door.

"Hello, I'm Nash Guetta." A tall blond head boy said.

"Well, good morning Nash."

He looked at me smiling his bright blue eyes glowing as he smiled, "Well I don't know where the school is will you be willing to drive me?"

"Well sure, but you do know school starts at 8:30, right?" I said looking at the clock.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2012 ⏰

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