Humans and Mermen Don't Mix

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   Once upon a time, in a small village, lived a 16 year old danish girl named, Violet. originating from a family of 11 other siblings, life is pretty tough for a middle child. her brothers, and sisters are nothing like her. The boys liked roughhousing and hunting, and the girls are... just way too girlie for Violet's tastes. The girls play with corn shuck dolls and adore spying on the village Danes.

   Don't get her wrong, Violet like sping on the lads herself, but her sisters... are a bit overboard with the lad crazyness, hiding in trees, inside bushes, and behind every corner. Violet wasn't the type of girl who was lad crazy or into beating her siblings up into a pulp. She's just... Violet. She was the most beautiful girl in the village. Her green eyes sparkled like the sea itself, her smile left people in a daze, and her hair was blue, very rare, and can be used to cure anything, or kill anything. People all over the world travel to try to get a lock of her hair, but never did anyone once get even a strand.

 Violet loves to dream about creatures, she would die for to see. Things like faires, centaurs, dwarves, unicorns, pegasi, talking animals, dragons, griffins, minotaurs, trolls, sea serpents, tiamats, but most of all, the sea-maid. O! How Violet longs to see a real life mermaid.


  After finishing her chores, she would wander through the forest imagining all of those mythical creatures. Knight elves protecting her from the 5 headed dragon Tiamat, centaurs playing heir harps as they trot along in the forest, unicorns grazing in the dewy grass making their horns gleam and glitter in splendor, and the pegasi flying her to the coast to meet the sea-maids and men.

Violet would imagine a whole kingdom of them in the sea king's castle, swimming gracefully, and their shimmery tails glittering in the sun light as they rest on the rocks by the coast singing like no other mortal could.

Then all of the beautiful maids and men would plunge back into the depths as the sounds of the village kids and her siblings came screeching and romping along. O! how Violet wanted to scream at them for ruining her perfect day with the sea maids. She just wanted to jump into the water with them to the King's castle. To live with the beautiful sea maids and men would be surreal. O! how she longed to sing with a voice no one else could posses, magnificent beauty, or a tail to swim powerfully all the way to the King's castle.

"Hallo, Violet!" Yelled a village boy that pesters her constantly without fail.

"Hallo, Wes." Violet replied in a dull voice

"Might I ask you why you are by the sea? Alone? Without a dashing man to protect you?"

Ignoring him she turned back towards the sea, wishing that if she dove in then her legs would mend into a tail.

"She probably wanted to get eaten by a sea serpent!" A boy teased

Violet grit her teeth. O! Why must they mock me? Should they speak so lightly about my own death?

"Stop!" Wes commanded his hazel eyes now cold, "Why must you mock my fair lady?" He gestured towards Violet.

She clenched her hands. 'Why I should just know the living daylights out of those foolish boys!'

"Why, you ask?" another vile boy asked, "Because she's gone crazy!" he twirled his finger to the side of his head

"Only mentally ill Danes would wander 'bout in the forest alone. The nerve!" a snobbish girl humphed.

"Those creatures from the tales the elders tell us, AREN'T. REAL. and they never will be." Declared a boy in the front, tall, handsome, and cocky, Hanes. "including sea-maids."

'DID HE JUST?! I could kill him!' Violet violently thought.

"I don't even know why you sit out here waiting for them to come. Why would they? Oh yeah. Because they don't EXIST!" Hanes said spilling the beans, Violet never wanted to ever hear... ever.

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