᭝᰷ฺ໋݊🍊ᮁ᳟ࣳ - eight

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"miwa's absent?" hyunsuk asked, getting worried.

i'm worried as well. what if she's sick? or is it because of me? i might come to visit at her house after school just to check on her.

"yeah, i don't even know why. she didn't tell me," jihoon replied sadly.

i know that he's sad the fact that miwa didn't tell him. usually, she would text or call him if she's absent. but there's no news for today.

i straighten my body and made a fake cough to catch their attention. when they faced me, i licked my lips before saying. "maybe she's sick and don't have the time to tell you. who knows?"

they all nodded in agreement while muttering some words. i realized there are three figures coming towards us with a serious expression.

not this unlucky trio again.

all of us turned our heads to them with the same serious expression too. giving the cool vibes. if miwa loves coolness, then we can do it too.

when they reached our table, hyunjin crossed his arms over his chest. "are you all trying to hide her from us?"

"what the fudge, are you crazy? why would we," jihoon rolled his eyes as we followed him too.

"oh well, maybe you're jealous because the three of us are close with her," he smirked and continues. "like how you did to me and soo ah."

"stop bringing the past hyunjin. i swear i didn't know that time you were dating her. so stop! i'm sorry," jihoon stood up, with sincerity in his eyes.

it's true, all of this 'enemy' started because of that. if only soo ah didn't cheat on hyunjin for jihoon, this wouldn't happen. but all he did is blaming jihoon for that. he should blame soo ah instead.

he snickers then stare at jihoon with disgust. "do you even have proof? make me believe you mole."

we all stare at jihoon worriedly. does jihoon have proof to show?

jihoon gave him a smirk and started to pulled out his phone and tapping on it.

"do you?" i whispered at him.

"don't worry, i have the conversation with soo ah in instagram," he showed it to me first.

it was a convo they have last year when jihoon asked her if she really have a boyfriend or not because she suddenly pmed him to date her.

i sighed in relief as he showed it again to hyunjin with a smug smirk plastered on his face. satisfied with his proof. hyunjin has this shocked face with felix and jisung, can't believe the reality but it is what it is.

"alright then, i believe you and i forgive you," he walked away with his minions smoothly as we cheered for jihoon.

no more wars, no more revenge and no more enemies. maybe the author wants this story to end fast, i'm waiting for my part and miwa. [ lmfao, sorry shiho. i'll write yours and miwa later ;-; teehee ]


like what i planned, i'm planning on to visit the love of my life. i need to show her how i am worried for her. the thoughts of how much i love her are keeping me awake longer and longer each night. she needs to know how much i love her with sincerity and pure love.

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