𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦 𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑒

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It's 6:12 am and I'm still awake.
William and I eventually left our little cuddle and I still stared at the ceiling.

I could hear the small pitter-patters of Mike's feet.
I felt so tired but I stayed true to my word and I didn't fall asleep.

Then William started to rustle in the bed.
I quickly closed my eyes to make it look like I was asleep.

He then yawned and got up.

"Now I got to get ready for work."

Oh yeah, William took the day off yesterday.
I peeked one of my eyes open to see what he was doing and I imminently regretted it.

He was getting changed and was about to pull his pants off.
I shut my eyes and my face turned bright red.

As I waited for William to get done I tried to stay extremely quiet.
Then a knock came from the door.
William opened it and I assumed Mike was at the door.

"Hey, dad I'm going to take the bus today," Mike whispered.

"Okay, Mike just be careful, and if someone tries to take you stab em."

"Yeah, yeah I know dad."

William shut the door and I waited.
I didn't hear him so he must have gone downstairs.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room.
As I focused on the ceiling I felt my eyes start to close.
I couldn't keep them open any much longer so I gave in and closed them and drifted to sleep.


"Wake up sleepy head."

My eyes shot open.
William stood at the side of the bed smiling.

"Come on love I have to go to work and I need you to get dressed."

I didn't want to move his bed was too comfy.

"Nooooo," I grunted.

William rolled his eyes.

"Looks like you in a mood."

I then felt as if I was getting picked up from the bed and then I realized that I was being held bridal style by William.
I was really in a mood due to not having any sleep so I honestly didn't care.

He gently put me down.

"Now love go get dressed."


I turned and took one step and instantly fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"Ow fuck!" I blurted.

I got up and William was looking at me with confusion.

"Don't say a word Afton I am not in the fucking mood."

I stumbled my way out of his room wobbling and tripping the whole way.
I made it to the bathroom and threw on some random clothes.

I left the bathroom and instantly bumped into William.
I look up at him as I held to his chest for support.

I guess this must have flustered him cause I saw a bit of red on his cheeks.

He cleared his throat, "(y/n) I want you to be honest with me."

"Did you sleep at all last night?" He asked.

I shook my head 'no'

William sighed.

"No wonder why you are in a mood, I think today you should stay in my office to sleep."

"No!" I blurted.

"I mean no."

"And why is that?"

I pushed away from him.
"None of your business."

William then pushed me to the wall and blocked me with his arm.

I turned red.

"Don't be like this (y/n) it really annoys me."

I rolled my eyes continuing with my mood.

"Well get used to it cause Ima be like this the whole day," I added back.

William moved back and pitched the bridge of his nose.

"Fantastic now I have to deal with a bitchy teen."

As he drove to the pizzeria I looked out the window somberly.

I was still shaken up about last night.
There were so many things boiling up inside of me.
I feel anger but then drossiness.

No matter how much I don't want to leave Mike I might have to if more traumatizing stuff keeps happening to me.
And I think William is starting to notice that it is not good to keep me around him.

We arrived at the pizzeria and I got out of his car.
William came around to my side and put an arm around me.

"You can barely walk so I'm putting my arm around you so you don't fall on your face."

"Thanks, William."

We walked into the pizzeria and Henry ran up to us.

"Will did you hear the news!?" Henry frantically said.

William looked confused.

"What news?"

"Your ex-wife Clara has been reported missing and so has her child."

I could tell under William's shocked face was a huge grin.

"Oh my, that's horrible."

Henry nodded, "I know but hopefully she'll be okay."

"Well Henry I'm going to bring (y/n) to my office, I'll help you set up in a few minutes."

"Okay Will." Henry smiled.

William guided me to his office.
When I stepped foot in that hallway a could feel a presence.

"Stay away from him!" The angry voice spoke.

I stopped dead in my tracks and so did William.

"I hear the voices again."

William bit his lip.

"Shit, just ignore them and keep moving."

We had started to speed walk to get to his office faster.

"(y/n) what has my daddy done?" Elizabeth said.

We were able to make it to his office pretty quickly.
William brought me to the small couch and told me to lay on it.

I did as he said and laid on it.

"I'll be back soon, you should get some rest."

William turned off the lights and closed the door.
Now it was just me and my thoughts.

The darkroom was making me tired by the second and as I knew it I was fast asleep.

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