𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 1

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~Y/N's POV~

I just hate school trips so much! Out of all the locations we could have gone to this time, why did it have to be a forest?! There were so many mosquitoes and I was sick of slapping them and  getting  myself slapped! If I were appointed to select ...

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I just hate school trips so much! Out of all the locations we could have gone to this time, why did it have to be a forest?! There were so many mosquitoes and I was sick of slapping them and  getting myself slapped! If I were appointed to select the location, I would choose a nice sunny beach and not a gloomy forest! UGH!! I was tired and exhausted and very much annoyed. 

Nothing seemed interesting, not even the pretty flowers. 

Speak of the Devil! That's when I saw something, something that looked so beautiful and magical. A butterfly. A large white and beautiful butterfly... It looked so magical, I almost saw it leave a trail of glowing light. I was just admiring its beauty when it flew away. 'Everything hates me' I thought and followed it deeper and deeper into the forest. I know, I'm crazy, but I thought that my parents must have sent the butterfly... I lost both my parents in an incident which I have no intention in recalling and now, I live with my aunt. Bold of me to assume that the butterfly was my parents spirit or something. 

I followed it deeper into the forest as I suddenly felt an usual chill down my spine and the loud voices of my friends seemed very distant. It wasn't cold in here was it? I followed the butterfly until it disappeared behind a building... more like a shrine? What's a shrine doing in the middle of the forest? I called out for my best friends, Jiyeon and Lisa. "Hey guys! I found this wierd thing in here!" I yelled , but no response. 'Nevermind. I'll go by myself!' I thought and walked to the building and entered it.

I was right. It was a shrine of some sort. It had beautiful paintings on it's walls. Paintings of.... nine tailed foxes? The paintings were so detailed that I could even see the fur on the fox. One of them cayght my eye, it was a painting where the fox had some kind of sword and the colors and the details were really pretty and interesting.

 One of them cayght my eye, it was a painting where the fox had some kind of sword and the colors and the details were really pretty and interesting

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'Maybe this is a shrine dedicated for nine tailed foxes..' I thought and took out my phone for some photos. "No signal? It had three bars just a while ago..." I said to myself and put my phone back into my pocket, just as I felt eyes behind my back. I turned back, no one... "Hmmm... wierd...." I said and walked out of the shrine. I was about to leave when I saw the butterfly again. "Better take some photos this time for a post" I said a ran after the butterfly.

 I wish I never did. I felt a sudden jolt and I tripped my foot and oh gods it was a cliff. I tumbled down the cliff, not even hearing myself screaming. I closed my eyes shut. I felt burning pain everywhere, but it slowly began to reduce. My eyes fluttered open a little as I saw, a silhouette of a man. He had a glowing aura around him and had cat ears and .... wait... one, two three nine tails?! Am I going mad?! Nope, I'm definitely dead. I closed my eyes once again. My mysterious hero was the last thing I saw.

 The next thing I knew, I awoke on the ground. Am I in heaven? Am I dead?. "Y/N!!! Y/N!!!" I heard. No I wasn't dead, thank the gods. "I'm here!" I moaned as loud as possible, trying to get up. I felt a deafening scream build up in my throat so I let it out. 'Maybe I am not fully healed' I thought and waited for my friends. I heard several footsteps, voices and arms helping me up as my consciousness faded away.

I felt my soul returning back to me. "Y/N are you okay?" I heard Jiyeon ask. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said as she helped me up. "How long was I out?". "For about an hour or two.." said Lisa entering the room. "Where the heck did you go?" she asked and sat beside my bed. " I was following this butterfly and then I ... I- I don't remember..." How could I not remember what happened to me?! What's wrong with me?! "You don't remember?" asked Jiyeon. "I don't..." I replied and tried to sit up, but I couldn't. "You've sprained your leg though.." said Lisa and pocked at my leg with was now in a splint. "How did this happen?" I asked. "You expect us to know?" replied Lisa in a sarcastic way. "Do you have any idea how worried we were?! Don't you wander off following stupid butterflies again! Do you underestand me y/n?!" yelled Jiyeon. "Okay okay.. And for your information, it wasn't a normal butterfly, it seemed so... I dunno... magical.." I said. "Magical my foot! Get some rest. We're leaving in an hour" said Lisa as she and Jiyeon left, leaving me alone. How could I forget? Did I knock my head when I got this leg sprain?. My memory was glitching in my head. All I remember was... tails... Tails? Wierd...

After an hour might have gone, I heard Lisa and Jiyeon entering the room. "Woah... y/n, you missed the history lecture. It was long but cool..." said Lisa. "Why? Don't you hate history?" I asked. "We do.. But we got to learn the mysteries of this forest." said Jiyeon in a mystical way. "I recorded it, lemme play.." said Lisa as she took out her phone and played a recording. "There's said to be a shrine, a shrine that could only be seen when one follows a spirit that crosses the mortal and spiritual world. The spirit may appear in any way it wants, but you can't expect it to appear out of the blue... It appears only when destiny calls... Have you heard of kumihos? There is a gate to the immortal world in a shrine dedicated for nine tailed foxes in this forest. As I said, only once one follows the spirt, it sees the shrine..." I heard our class president, Jeong Yunho say. "Wow..." I said awestruck. "Could you have been following a spirit?" asked Jiyeon. "I don't believe in immortality and whatnot. Nor do I care.." I said, only to be questioning myself. "We're leaving.." said a familiar voice as he pocked his head through the door. "We're coming Yunho" I replied an got up with the help of Lisa and Jiyeon. We followed Yunho to the bus and got on. Our seats were next to Choi San, my childhood best friend and Jung Wooyoung, my cousin, the love birds in our class... "I love you.". "I love you more". "I love you most" I heard them say.

"Yesterday was fun wasn't it?" said Jiyeon. "Heh heh.. very funny" I replied. "I'm not being sarcastic, it really was fun... I was thinking about what Yunho was talking about yesterday and I couldn't even complete Mr.Kim's homework." said Jiyeon as I felt her hand sweat and the grip on my hand tighten. She was staring at something, I followed her glance. She was looking at her crush, the boy she knew who would never feel the same as she did, the school's most handsome and wanted boy, the boy who has all the girls in the school wrapped around his fingers.. "Lee Juyeon" said Lisa. "I am disgusted! Why do you keep liking that jerk?!" I said. "Each time I try to forget about him, he just... I dunno... grows handsomer every day.." said Jiyeon blushing and looking down. "Oh come on bo-bunny, let's go.." said Lisa and gave all her might to break Jiyeon's stare and pull her away. When we entered our class, I felt Lisa sweat. "Our class president, Jeong Yunho is what you're looking at now aren't you Lisa?" I asked smirking. Lisa had had a crush on Yunho ever since he got into our school, but same as Juyeon, he hadn't liked her back. I walked towards my seat, only to bump into Eric Son, the mysterious boy. He mumbled a sorry and ran away from me.

I've heard many rumours that say that had Eric lost both his parents at very young age and that he had been mentally abused by his uncle. That would explain why Eric was so distant, there were many girls who liked him, but he ignored them all... I went to my seat, between Choi Jongho, the apple breaker and Kang Yeosang, the walking statue, who was absent today. I sat there reading my book and occasionally talking with Jongho until the bell rang and Mr. Kim, our homeroom teacher, entered the class, followed by a boy, a cute and very handsome boy with pretty lips that made my heart beat like it had come to life. "Good Morning kids! We've got a new transfer student here... " said Mr. Kim. "Why don't you introduce yourself?". "Yes sir." said the boy, in a deep voice that I never thought would come out of his lips. "Hello, mortals!". Mortals?. "Oh sorry, hello friends, my name is um.. Sunwoo, Kim Sunwoo..I'm really looking forward to spending this year with you..." he said. "Good, Mr. Kim, you may take the empty seat next to y/n" said Mr. Kim, making my lower jaw open wide. "I know Ms. Y/N, that's Mr. Kang's seat, he'd be here probably tomorrow. We'll fix him a seat tomorrow..". Jongho looked down and pouted, which made me smile at how madly in love he was with Yeosang. I heard the someone sit next to my seat. "Hello Sunwoo, I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you.." I said, trying to be nice. "Hello y/n... Nice to meet you to too" he said smiling brightly, making my heart go crazy. 

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