Getting along ourselves

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In Toodee land TeeBo show pixie some fishes under the ice

Pixie: wow those fishes were awesome ^^ 

TeeBo: glad you like it pixie ^^ just you and me hang out at my mother's land ^^

Pixie: Yeah ^^ 

While they watch some fishes Mateo was behind the iceberg and he wasn't happy about pixie hang out TeeBo 

Mateo though: Mmmm I dislike when TeeBo hang out with my sister I'm gonna watching them...

Pixie: say TeeBo after this fishes wanna go to Foofa land to see some flowers.

TeeBo: Of course pixie ^^ *blush*

Pixie: ^^ *blush*

Mateo though: not in my watch 😠

TeeBo and Pixie went to Foofa land while Mateo follow them careful with them seeing him. Mateo hide behind the hill so TeeBo and Pixie doesn't seen him 

Pixie: Those flowers were so beautiful is it TeeBo?

TeeBo: well these flowers remind me someone 

Pixie: who is it TeeBo 

TeeBo: You pixie cause you are a lovely red rose.

Pixie: *giggles* Oh TeeBo you make me blush again ☺️

Mateo: mmmmm 😡 ( I swear if he flirts more my sister...)

TeeBo: Say Pixie can I ask you something 

Pixie: sure TeeBo what is it ?

TeeBo: Well....we been get along so much, like the stuff we did together, and respect opinions each other...*blush*

Pixie: Yeah..*blush*

Mateo thoughts: (what is that ghost boy is about to say....😠)

TeeBo: Pixie do you want to me my girlfriend ?

Pixie: Yes ^^

Mateo thoughts: (OH HECKS NO! 😡) *out his hideout*

Mateo: STOP

TeeBo and Pixie:*saw Mateo*  Mateo!? O.O 

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