Platform 9 3\4

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*You and Claire were on the platform when you guys get on the train and sit in a room it was empty then all is a sudden Claire says "oh my gosh Y\N look at the cute boy walking around" ( Its harry btw your best friend) you turn your head"*gasp*Wait that's harry come on let's go get him"You get out of your searing room and go to harry*"Harry!!" You say "Y\N!!" harry says *as he hugs you and you can feel his warm body up against your and you can smell the sweetness of his cologne Claire gets jealous so she goes to the next carrier to find her friends. You and harry hugged for 15 seconds witch felt like forever for you Hermione and Ron see you and harry talking Hermione runs up to you and hugs you*"Y\N!!"She says "Hermione!!" *You guys hug for 10 seconds*" I missed you she said cause you guys haven't seen each other in 2 years* "Ron!"*you say go hug him then let go*" Y\N!" He says*you guys go into a room and talk*"So how was it at home with Claire"Hermonie asked"Well we got new rooms and she got the biggest room and I got the basement I mean at least its better then the closet under the stairs right?"You said "Oh my gosh"Harry said "What!!" you say "They are so mean" Hermione states"I know but I got used to it" You say"You can't keep living like this, this is horrible the way they treat you" Ron says "Guys I think I know what we should do" *Hermonie wishpers to the boys so you can't hear them*  *And they all nod their heads you soon understand that came up with a plan they leave the room where you guys are sitting then crack walks by and sees you sitting alone so he comes in*"Y\N Is that you?" He says "Omg Draco"You say as you hug him and he hugs you and you guys hug for like 12 seconds you guys sit down and talk* " Omg I have missed you so much Y\N" Draco says "I've missed you too" *You say then you guys have A conversation about how your life is at home*

Hermonie's POV

"Ok so who can Y\N stay with over the breaks from school" Hermonie says "Well uncle Vernon would kill me if I have some one over so not me" Harry States " Well Me we have room at my house" Ron says " Ok now we just need to go back to the sitting room we were in and tell her I feel bad" Hermonie says " Why Hermonie" harry asks "Because we left her alone that's why harry" Hermonie answers " Your right hermonie" Ron says "Hurry lets go come one" Said Harry *They get back and see draco* "Oh hey draco" Hermonie, Ron, and Harry said They Tell you the plan

Back to your POV

"Yes I will stay my breaks with you breaks that would be so fun EKKK" you say
                  *A while later you guys get to Hogwarts*

(Btw you guys are all friends as a group and if your confused your best friends are Draco, Hermonie, Ron, Fred and George, Harry, Neville, pansy, luna, and blaise, also Ginny, and Claire's friends are Marcus, cho, lavender, Cedric, dean)

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